Forgetting Old Surviving New

Being Let Down

At that moment all Trisha could think about was how much she had missed her mom. Trisha was there laying on the floor by her mother's corpse crying. She was letting all the blood flow over her body. NO! MOM! she yelled grasping her mothers bloody body in her hands. What am I going to do without you? Where will I go? Trisha called the police in seconds. She didnt know what to do but she couldnt just leave her mother lay there on the floor even though she treated her like shit! The police will be there in a second sweety calm down,she hears out of the phone. The police showed up in seconds. Asking Trisha questions. One man ran in "Hey girl he yells, has your mom been on any drugs." "Yes, Trisha replys. "She is a Pothead." A man named Garry one of the police officers said "would you like to go with us down town." "Yes, I would and what are you going to do with her." "Is your father around have you told him what happened." Trisha's heart skipped a beat or two and then she snapped back in to it "No he died when i was younger,"she replied. "Well do you know anyone who is close to you or your mother,"Garry asks. "yes my boyfriend I will go call him right now" Trisha started the longest 10 digets she had ever dialed in her whole life! "Jason I need your help," "Are you ok, your crying." "I know can you meet me at the hospital and I will explain everything there." Yes ill meet you there let me go get my mom." "OK but hurry up!" Jason grabbed his mom and ran to the car all he could think was she cut herself so bad she is gonna die. Robin yells "Jason what is goin on." "Something is wrong with Trisha and i wanted you to go to the hospital with me."