A Story of a Man, A Women, And the Corpses of a Thousand Evil Men


Lydia's POV

It has been officially thre months since Vincent's "accident". He seems to be cooperating with the Institution quite nicely. I went to see him today. He seemed extremely happy to see me, which was a surprise considering last time I came, he threatned to kill me. Ha, that was in the past and i understood he was in a fragile state, so I didn't let the comment affect me much. When I walked into his cell today, his eyes lit up like they used to when I'd make surprise visits at his work. He wrapped his arms around me tighter than ever before. His cheeks blushed a dark red, while his skin got extremely warm. I couldn't help but let out an, "Aww." I missed him so much. I savored every moment I had with Vince while he was in this good mood. He seemed so normal, like he was never mental. Well, to put it mildly. For the time being, I let go of everything he had done in the past and concentrated on the present. I didn't know how long I had until he had turned back to the monster he had become.

Vincent's POV

Oh how beautiful Lydia looked when she came in today. The sunlight from one of the many institiution windows made her gorgeous green eyes glisten. I missed her so much. I hadn't nearly seen her in a month. She's all I had to look foward to, being in this shitty place. I'm only doing it for her. I've only been in here for three months and I already feel like I'm progressing. I've tried to explain that to my Doctor, Adam Cassiani, But he still seems to think I'm some reckless fuck. I don't know what I'm supposed to do anymore. I've appologize, and most of the time, I mean it. Every instruction, I've followed. Every dose that's been prescribed, Iv'e taken. I know I've made a mistake but aren't people supposed to be forgiven? Well, for Lydia's sake, I'll keep my cool. But I'm not sure how long I can stay sane.