A Story of a Man, A Women, And the Corpses of a Thousand Evil Men

The Airport.

Lydia's POV

The alarm on my nightstand suddenly went off. 6:00am. It didn't seem like I slept at all. I was restless the whole night. I guess it was excitment. I was going to the desert, I have never been on plane before, and Iget to get away with my husband. Who wouldn't be anxious? I sprang out of bed and jumped in the shower. After I got dressed and made up my hair, it was already 6:30am. Vincent was already putting our stuff in the car. We took about 5 minutes to lock all of the doors, and get the house situated. We drove down the driveway, and out onto the street. I glanced down to check my watch. 6:45 am. Perfect. The airport was about 10 minutes away, so there was nothing to worry about. I stared out the window, thinking of our future. Mine and Vincent's. I've tried so hard for these last 2 years to act as if nothing has happened. As if everything was normal.

Vince needed as much encouragment as he could get. To get well again. I was the only person he had. His fuck of a mother won't even call him anymore because she says,

"It wouldn't be healthy for me to talk to him in... this state."

Selfish broad. She always thought of herself. Besides me, she was the only person that Vince ever really cared about. Whatever. He's better than her anyway. I can handle it on my own. I guess Vince realized I was troubled. He gently took my hand in his. He ran his thumb over my knuckles in a soothing fashion. I relaxed back in my seat, and took a deep breath in. I'm not going to think about this right now. We pulled into the airport parking structure and payed the 10.00$ fee. We drove up one ramp, and found our spot. Vince pulled into the space backwards, so we could easier get our stuff out. He gave me a weak smile before hopping out on his side. I got out too, taking my purse with me. Vince took both of our bags out, and we walked out of the parking lot towards the airport in silence.

Vincent's POV

A burst of cold air hit my face as we entered into the main doors of the airport. It was now 7:10 am and there was hardly anybody here. Lydia removed her suitcase from my hand, and took lead to the ticket line. I wonder what was wrong with her in the car on the way here. She seemed really troubled about something, and I couldn't figure it out. Oh well, now she will have one less thing to worry about. As I approached the front desk alongside her, Lydia was already halfway through the ticket process.

"Okay Mrs. Alan, I have to adult tickets to Phoenix, Arizona from Trenton, New Jersey?"

The receptionist gave me a quick smile to greet my presence, then turned back to Lydia.

"Yes, that's correct," Lydia replied, putting of bags on the weight scale. The receptionist carefully gave back our suitcases with out flight number plastered on a band around the handle.

The receptionist then said,

"Okay, now just head on up that elevator, and go straight to security. Have a great day, and thank you for flying with us."

Shit. I forgot all about security. How am I going to get "him" through security? I shuffled up the elevator with my head down, caught up in nerves. What am I going to do?