A Story of a Man, A Women, And the Corpses of a Thousand Evil Men

Desert Idea.

Lydia's POV

Vince had improved so much. He was acting like "him" again. The first few days were a little awkward, but we're past that now. He even started work again! That was a good thing because he really needed to get out of the house. I thought it would be the best thing. We started going out again. Last Monday, we went dancing. We havn't done that in nearly 10 years. It was amazing. And every Sunday, we got to church in the morning, and eat out in the evening. Vince was a little hesitant about going to religous ceramonies, but he never argued. He came home from work every night around 7:30pm. I already had dinner ready for him when he walked through the door. I loved having dinner together. One night in particular, he raised a brilliant idea.

"Hey Lydia, we haven't really celebrated my release yet."

He said it so enthused, so excited to say the least. Like, a child looking through the window of a candy shop, knowing he was going inside. It was adorable.

"Okay hun, What do you have in mind?"

I looked at him directly.

"Well remember that idea we had? To go to the desert and spend the night under the stars, camp, ect with the family?"

"Yes, Very well actually." I said with a smile.

"Well, what if only you and I went? we could do everything, only alone."

I sat there and stared at him for a minute. I couldn't help it. He was acting like it was going to be our first date. His voice was choked up and nervous. It was so cute, I couldn't help but giggle. He looked up from his plate, cheeks flushed.

"What are you laughing at?"

"How cute you are." I said blankly.

He looked down with a grin, before blowing me a kiss, sarcastically.

"Seriously babe, what do you think? Can we go?"

"I think it's a wonderful idea."

"Are you being sarcastic?"

I pushed my chair out from underneath the table and removed myself. I paced over to him, and sat inches away from his face. I could feel my breath.

"Let's go to the desert."

I whispered it so quitely, I'm not even sure he fully heard me. He lowered his head to mine, leaning our foreheads together. The space between our faces rapidly disappeared. I loved it. God, how much I missed this. But, I couldn't help but sence that something is wrong.

Vincent's POV

Two days until our trip. Finally. I've been waiting almost three weeks now. Lydia insisted we had a family reunion in the honor of my release before we went anywhere. I didn't argue.

The whole family was there. My parents, Lydia's parents, and everyone in between. It was a decent get together I guess. Besides the fact no one would dare get too close to me, besides Lydia of course. Everyone congradulated me, while telling me how proud they were. I pretended to care. I hated being drooled over, but whatever. As everyone left, they all gave Lydia and I hugs and kisses. It was somewhat surprising, considering they were acting like I had some deadly disese earlier. I acted like I enjoyed myself, for Lydia's sake.

"Did you like your party Vince?" she asked with a smile of hope.

"Yeah babe. I loved it. Thanks." I replied with a weak smile.

She then looked at me with an awkward glance, before leaving into the bedroom. I think she knew I didn't care for it much, but she wouldn't say anything. I cleaned up the kitchen a little before retiring to bed. Expecting to see her packing her things, I surprisingly found her already asleep. Her nightgown subtly fell of her shoulder with every gentle breath she took. I applied my pajamas and got into bed as slowly as I could. I didn't want to wake her. She looked so peaceful. Even though she was tired as hell, she still managed to look gorgeous. A women this amazing didn't deserve to have a monster like me. No. I definately wasn't good enough.

"It will all be over soon. Just give me my chance." I whispered gently into her ear, lightly kissing her on the forehead.

She stirred in her sleep a little, only to return to her solemn slumber. As I turned over on my side, I felt her arms slip around my petit waist. The warmth from her body made me flinch with pleasure. I loved her so much. Soon, she will be released out of the prison she calls life.