A Story of a Man, A Women, And the Corpses of a Thousand Evil Men

Night Before.

Lydia's POV

I entered into the kitchen and started to unpack the groceries. I was only gone for about a half an hour, but it seemed like forever and I cant explain why. I ignored this feeling, pacing around the kitchen, putting things away. After I was done storing everything, I started the oven. I wasn't really prepared to make a lavish dinner, So I just threw in a frozen pizza. As I was shutting the oven door, I felt a strong gripmake it's way around my waist. Vince. Oh, wow he smelt good. He must of just showered, for I could smell the shampoo in his hair. He turned me around, making my eyes meet with his. He gave me a seductive smirk, before making the space between our faces disappear. I loved having him around again. Little reminders like that one made me realize how fortunate I was. After our moment, he took my hands in his. He then removed the hair out of my face.

"Lydia. Thank you. Anyone else would of ran out on me, but you didn't. I love you so much, and soon you will know just how much."

I couldn't help but start to cry at his words. His eyes softened, as he took me into a tight embrace. He lowered his head down to my ear.

"I mean it." He whispered gently.

I pulled away and planted a soft kiss on his cheek. He knew just how to make me feel amazing. He gave me a huge smile before getting out two plates for our dinner. The timer of the over went off, and I delicately took out the pizza. I served us both a hearty serving, and we ate in silence. I couldn't wait to leave tommarrow. We were going to get away from everything: The madness, worry, fear. Everything. Nothing would get in the way of having my Vince back.

Vincent's POV

She trusted me so much. And she had all reason to. We finished our dinner, and I cleaned up our area. It was almost 9pm at the end of our meal. Lydia insisted we went to bed early, considering we had to get up at 6am to get ready for the trip. We needed to arrive at the airport by 7am to go through security and such. Our flight time was 9:15am; Trenton, New Jersey to Phoenix, Arizona. We had been saving up for this trip a long time. We were supposed to go early March, about 3 years ago before my accident. Well, at least we get to go now. To tell you the truth, I was really excited.

She was already in bed by the time I came in from cleaning up the kitchen. She had the TV on low volume, and was already half asleep. I tried to crawl into bed as quietly as I could, but no success. She awoke and stiffened. I appologized and she smiled, laying her head on my chest. I took the remote and turned the television off. I pulled the sheets up to my waist, covering Lydia's shoulders. I felt my eyes start to get heavy, and I solemnly fell asleep to the pace of her delicate breaths.