Ah...Sleep-Away Camp...What Could Go Wrong?

Chapter 1 The Meeting...and the Reunion

"Do you have your toothbrush?"


"Bathing suit?"




"Sorry, sorry!"

The mother and daughter stood in front of the airport gate saying their goodbyes. You know how mothers are...they always think their daughters have forgotten something and start to list everything you're supposed to have. It's not as fun when there are a bunch of really cute guys passing by as your mother is fixing your posture and brushing your hair with that oversized brush that magically pops out of her purse whenever you were just getting comfortable with yourself.

"I'm just going away for a few months! It's not like I'm leaving you forever. I mean, I'm 17...you'd think I'd know how to take care of myself by now!"

"I'm sorry! It's just that since your brother moved out I've had to get used to the idea that you'd leave sooner or later but..."

Cassie sighed and hugged her mom, "I know it's been hard for you but, please just trust that I can take care of myself."

Her mother nodded and kissed Cassie's forehead before watching her board the plane, with tears shining in her eyes. As soon as her mother was out of sight Cassie immediately slouched pulled her hair out of the tight bun her mother had put it in and shook her head.

It took a few minutes to find her seat, get settled in, and pull out her iPod. Once she had it set to Disney's "You can fly!" from Peter Pan, she waited for the take-off.
Since this was her first time on an airplane, alone, going across the country to Colorado for sleepaway camp, which she had never had the pleasure of attending before- another plus to this trip. Her stomach tightened as she thought of this but, shook the feeling off.

Rae, Allie, Paige, and Tasha are goiing to be there. I won't be alone. Plus Alyssa and Heather said they might arrive a little later, she thought. She and her friends had been a tight group since kindergarden, with these ideas in her mind she reclined the seat slightly and closed her eyes.

"Excuse me..."

Cassie opened her eyes and looked up at the source of the voice.

She felt one of her earphones fall out of her ear but, she made no attempt at replacing it. Oh God, I won't make it through this flight as smoothly as I had thought.

Before her stood a guy about 6' and had the most gorgeous green eyes that could be seen from behind the brown hair that was hanging in front of his eyes. Even though the Halifax t-shirt was a little loose on him she could tell he was lean, he wore the tight girl jeans that showed off his butt, and his voice!....That was the thing that hypnotized her.

"Uh, let me guess this is your seat?" she pointed to the empty window seat next to her. Oh thank God I was able to snap myself out of that. She couldn't bear to hink of how embarrassed she would have been if he had had to repeat himself.

He nodded and Cassie pulled her legs to her chest to allow him through. She couldn't help but look at his ass as he went by. She laughed to herself in a self pitying manner and tensed as he settled in next to her. Cassie had to make it through the flight without making the guy think she was insane.

"Peter Pan?" he asked. Cassie jumped and looked at the guy who was now holding one of the earphones, that had fallen out, to his ear.

"Yeah. Flying always makes me a little nervous so listening to the music form a movie that showed how cool flying could be just helps me...relax I guess." she shrugged. He chuckled a little and Cassie almost melted. God, he's so hot.

"That's my favorite Disney movie." he commented offhandedly.

"Mine too." she replied. It was true. Never growing up and not having adult reponsibilities or worries. Living on an island with adventures everyday just seemed so exciting.

"My name's Aiden Shehan." he extended his hand.

"Cassie Telor." she shook his hand.

The flight consisted of a surreal conversation with Aiden, that had ended all too soon. But before she had walked away from the gate Aiden pulled her back.

"Hey, uh, can i have your number? Since we're both here for vacation i figured we could meet up sometime."

Cassie stood, dumbstruck for a few seconds. He wants my number?! She pulled back to reality and nodded.

"Yeah I would like that." she smiled. Aiden smiled widely and handed her his cell. His smile, literally made her lose her breath. Trying hard to keep her hands from shaking, Cassie programmed her number into her phone.

"Well, I guess I'll see you la-"

"CASSIE!!!!" a voice screamed out. Knowing what was coming next Cassie braced herself and felt someone plow into her, knocking her to the floor.

"Rae, I'm happy to see you to but I think you broke my ass." Cassie mumbled as the red-head pulled her up.

The girl turned her around smacked Cassie's butt and turned her back around to face her. "Seems fine to me!"

Cassie burst out laughing and hugged her friend. Rae was the one who could make her laugh even when she was super pissed. Her optimistic and surprising personality never left Cassie bored.

Rae's grey eyes shone with happiness as three other girls jogged over to them.

"Rae....for..someone...who ...can't run...the mile...in under...thirteen...minutes...holy crap..." The black haired girl panted. She had her hands on her knees and her shoulder length black hair hung over her face.

"Oh, please Tasha, you're in better shape than I am!"

Tasha looked up and narrowed her blue eyes at Rae. The brunette to her left started to laugh as Tasha and Rae had a heated arguement over nothing at all. her bangs hung in her face as her chest length hair shivered with her as she tried to surpress her fit of

"Well, Allie, I guess you didn't have a dull moment on the plane ride."

Allie nodded as she failed to keep in her laughter. Rae had just pulled Tasha's iPod Nano out of her bag and was now running around the airport, holding it over her head.

"I swear if you drop it I will kill you!" Tasha growled.

"Oh, but you have to catch me first. Come on Tasha, show me the agility skills you've been bragging about for so long!"

Cassie rolled her eyes and jumped as a hand was placed on her shoulder.

"Well, I can see you have your hands full right now so I'll call you." Aiden smirked as he waved and walked away.

Rae stopped dead in her tracks causing Tasha to slam into her and both of them had a nice face plant in the middle of the marble floor.

"Who was that hottie?" Rae demanded when she stood up nursing her nose.

"Oh, that was Aiden. He had the seat next to me." Cassie said in a daze. She was still staring after Aiden, even though he was no where to be seen.

Maybe this summer wouldn't totally suck afterall...
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This was the second story I put on quizilla. Comment! Please.