Love Will Tear Us Apart

Jade is forced to move away from her cousin Casey and her friends to the suburbs of Chicago. luckily on her first day of school she meets a boy named Patrick and his friends.
  1. Late!
    Patrick and Jade meet because they are both late for school
  2. I shall name it Fluffy
    Jade meets the rest of the boys
  3. What no apple?
    Casey comes for a visit
  4. I approve
    after Casey and Jade get home Casey tells her he approves of Patrick
  5. Andy wants to wear a tu-tu
    The guys and Jade go to the mall pt.1
  6. You stole my new bestest friend
    the mall pt.2 and love is in the air
  7. Candy pleasures me in ways you can't
    Joe has a crush
  8. no ***ing at school
    five years after Jade moves to Chicago
  9. Don't worry I'll keep you busy
    uh oh Jade and Patrick's anniversary conclusion
  10. umm...onomonopia
    the boys are off on tour and Jade finally sees the hawthorne boys again
  11. sharing chocolate milk
    the note Jade gave Patrick before he left
  12. everything will be okay
    Jade thinks she may be preggers
  13. I peed on my hand
    Jade tells Patrick that she might be pregnant
  14. the first month
    Jade's parents don't want her to have the baby
  15. Months two and three
    tittle says it all
  16. Months four and five
    shows the relationship between Patrick and Jade during the pregnancy
  17. month six seven and eight.
    what the tittle suggests
  18. The big day
    Jade goes into labor
  19. Bad News
    this is the last chapter