Status: Re-working. Sorry.

Let Me Break This Awkward Silence

Chapter Seven

Chapter 7

I woke up at 8 o’clock. Ugh, do you want to know what time it was back home? 5 o’clock in the bloody fucking morning. I guess getting up at 5 for school at 7 really does get into your system.

I dragged my self out of bed and stumbled downstairs. It took me like ten minutes to find the freaking coffee, and then another 5 minutes to locate the filters for the machine. But ten painstaking minutes later, I had coffee in my Oogie Boogie coffee mug, and was sitting cross legged on the dinning room chair reading the entertainment section of the paper.

“Damn, I thought I was an early riser.” I heard somebody mumble behind me.

I turned around to find Mikey wearing black pajama pants and an old Iron Maiden Tee-Shirt,
rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.

“Coffee, Jet lag, and getting up at 5 in the morning for school helps, by the way, nice pajamas.”

“Five!? I didn’t even get up that early! And you know you’re jealous of my PJ’s of awesomeness.”

“Well my school starts at 7:20, and Marching Band gets you up. Trust me.” I said taking a drink of my coffee, getting up and finishing the pot before Mikey even got a cup of coffee.


“Make your own coffee. I made mine.” I said taking a big sip of it. “Ah, good wholesome coffee-ness!”

Mikey rolled his eyes at me and looked out the window. “Hey look its snowing…”

“Oh My God! You fucking serious?!” I said running to the window. And indeed it was. Before Mikey could tell me not to, I ran out to the front yard and jumped in a big pile of snow.

Kaysi’s Point of View

“Kaysi, do you really know what your doing? I mean you could have gotten the address wrong!” Vladimir stressed, again.

“I have to agree with Vladimir here, I mean that’s Gerard Way’s house! You can’t go up there all nonchalantly and ask for his daughter that doesn’t exist!” Damien expressed.

“And I’m telling you that she does, just trust me guys.” I said trying to ease their minds.

“Okay, just to entertain the idea, if she is really living there, is she even going to be up? I mean this was your idea and we had to bribe you with Snickers and Soda to get you up!” Vlad smirked.

“Just trust me, she is an early riser. Her school started at 7:20 in the morning!” I said mater-of-factly. Just as I finished that sentence we saw a fifteen year old girl run out of the Way house (in her pajamas) and jump in a pile of snow. “Told you, come on I need to give her Bob before she gets hypothermia.”

“Alyssa, get back in the house! You’ll catch your death!” I heard (what I assumed to be) Mikey yelling from the front door.

Alyssa’s point of View

I was making a snow angel when the cold stated to set in. “Holy shit its cold.”


“What the –,” I said looking up. I saw my best friend Kaysi standing there holding my black Fleur-de-lis jacket. “KAYSI!!” I yelled tackling her.

“Hey! Snow, cold, Squishing shrimp!” She yelled from under me.

“My god your warm!” I said hugging her.

“Yeah, but Bob’s warmer.” She said trying to give me Bob.

“Good point.” I said getting off of her and putting on Bob. “G-god, i-it’s cold” I chattered.

“Then why don’t we go in?” Kaysi said getting out of the snow.

“I would if I could, but I can’t.”

“Why not?”

“’Cause I’m f-freezing and c-can’t move!” I stuttered.

“Damien, a little help, please?” Kaysi said turning to one of the guys. He was at least 5’7”
and had short ‘emo’ dark brown hair, and was pretty darn pale, though I think it was natural, he looked like he was Italian.

“What do you want me to do?” He asked confused.

“Can you carry her in? She only weighs like 105 lbs.” Kaysi said brushing off the snow.

“Sure I guess…” he said before picking me up bridle style. “Hey I’m Damien.” He said trying
to make conversation.

“Alyssa,” I smiled.

“Hey, wait till we get inside to start flirting.” Kaysi said from behind us.

We walked to the front door where Mikey was leaning up against the door frame, eyeing us suspiciously.

“Uh, Hi Mikey…” I said, still in Damien’s arms, looking up at my Uncle who was to say the least was confused and annoyed at the same time.

“Hi Alyssa, how’s life?”

“Good, you?”

“Good, who are they?”

“Well, she,” I said trying to turn around in Damien’s arms, yeah not working. “Well the chick behind me is Kaysi – best friend. The guy – besides you of course, who is sparing me from death, is Damien – her best friend, and the guy next to her is…name, NAME!”

“Vladimir,” He said.
“Yeah he is – wait— Vladimir? Vladimir? Are you serious?” I said trying not to laugh.

“Yeah it’s Vladimir, and if you make fun of it I’ll kick your arse, I don’t care who your father is.” He threatened. I saw Mikey tense up just a tad.

“Yeah okay then, well he is – I’m sorry but Vladimir?! You have to be kidding me!”

“I’m not, and if you don’t stop I’m serious I will kick your arse.” He said cracking his knuckles.

“Yeah, so that’s Vladimir, don’t really know him, but he is another one of Kaysi’s best friends.” I said pointing around Damien. “Now do you think we can come in? I’m in my pajamas still, and you want to be the best Uncle ever right?” I added giving a pout.

Mikey sighed and moved over to the side so we could go in. “Wait,” he moved in front of Damien and took me out of his arms and slung me over his shoulder. “I’ll take Alyssa.”

“You know you have one boney ass shoulder Mikey.” I said sighing, and stifling a yelp when he threw me on the couch. “Hey!”


“You threw me on the couch!” I said rubbing my soar butt.

“I’m sorry, but that’s what you get for not leaving me any coffee.” He smirked heading into the kitchen.

“Yeah so Damien, Vladimir, get comfy because I need to go change. And be quiet, Gerard isn’t up yet and I really don’t want him up.” I said getting up and pulling Kaysi up the stairs.
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HI! Sorry for the lack of updates, i'm a tad sick. And go ahead, Laugh at Vladimir, personally i love the name.

Remeber Comments = faster chapter producage and L<3VE!!