Status: Re-working. Sorry.

Let Me Break This Awkward Silence

Chapter 8

Chapter 8

“So that is the infamous Damien.” I said from my closet.

“Yeah, Damien’s awesome. So is Vladimir, they’re the best. So what are you wearing?” Kaysi said from my bed. “I don’t know about you, but this bed is much better than you’re old one.”

“I know, how ‘bout this?” I said walking out, donning a black shirt that read “I’m a Loyal and damn proud of it!” in white letters with the Criss Angel logo on it over a white long sleeve thermal shirt, my ‘yearbook’ jeans, which are just the jeans that have been signed by all of my friends from last semester, with Jack Skellington toe socks, carrying a pair of knee-high Chuck Taylor’s.

“I like it! Nice socks too.” She said smiling, “Hey, so what damage to Gerard’s ego have you done so far?” She added beckoning me to the bed.

I ran over and jumped on the bed. “I gave him hell. You should have seen me yesterday, I had my chain out –“

“You’re dagger one?”

“The one and only,” I smiled, “His eyes went so wide I thought he was high!”

“Nice! Now come on, let’s get down there before Gerard wakes up, and they find our old dance videos.”

“Oh God, they better not!” I said grabbing Kaysi’s hand and my shoes, ran out the door and down stairs.

I forgot about stopping before I jumped off the stairs. So here I am again, sock sliding, and not knowing how to stop. So unlike my last experience, I didn’t crash into a wall. This time I crashed into a body, Damien’s to be exact.

“Ow,” Damien moaned under me.

“Wow Alyssa, you’ve changed, usually you’ll wait till the first date…” Kaysi snickered.

“What they fuck is going on here!?” Mikey yelled.

I rolled off Damien and looked at my Wide-eyed Uncle. “Um, I was sock sliding again, and I crashed into Damien.”

Mikey sighed and walked into the guest room, “Don’t get any ideas! I’m just changing!” He said before shutting his door.

“Well, Kaysi how’s life?” I said jumping on the sofa and putting on my shoes.

“Good, you?”

“Good, Damien?”

“Um, good?”

“Good” Kaysi and I said together.

“So I haven’t heard much about youVladimir…Tell me who are you.”

“Well, he is born and bred Romanian, in choir with me and Damien, and does a little theater.” Kaysi said before Vladimir could even utter a word.

“Wow,” I said smiling at Vladimir.

We heard someone trudging down the stairs, and Gerard was walking down in jeans and an old shirt rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. You could tell that he just got out of bed and put on the first thing that he saw on his floor. He made it all the way to the kitchen, was sitting at the table with coffee reading the paper before he even noticed that Kaysi, Damien, Vladimir and I were in the living room staring intently at him.

“What the fuck?!” He choked.

“So, Kaysi, you owe me ten dollars,” I said holding out my hand.

“Damn Gerard, couldn’t you have held out 2 more minutes?” Kaysi said getting out ten dollars and handing it to me.

“Alyssa? Who are they?”

“Kaysi, Damien, and Vladimir,” I said pocketing the money.

We never got to know what Gerard was about to say since interrupted by Mikey coming out of his room, and the song “Let the Flames Begin” began playing.

“Kaysi, I think you’re mom is calling…” I said as Kaysi filtered threw her pants pocket for her phone.

“Hey Mom,” She said into the phone, “At Alyssa’s, yeah right across the street…Yup Gerard’s here…Yes Mom, he really is here…” She said rolling her eyes, she walked over to Gerard and handed him the phone, “Just say ‘Hello Susan, this is Gerard,’ or something to that affect please.”

“Um, Susan, this is Alyssa’s Dad, Gerard –Yes it really is – Well it’s not my fault – I don’t think you should be using that tone with me, you don’t know me – Yes I acknowledge that I was gone for a while – Yes, that did happen – Yes, I did do that – Yes, I have been told that I’m an ass, many times be – I have no idea how she’s adjusting…Okay, yes I will tell her.” He said awkwardly into the phone, ending the call. “Kaysi you’re Mother wants you home, and she said to bring Damien and Vlad back with you.”

“DAMN IT ITS FUCKING VLADIMIR!! VLADIMIR!!! STOP MURDING MY FUCKING NAME!!!” Vladimir yelled from the living room.

I laughed as I walked Kaysi and them out the door, “look I’ll call you later okay?”

“Okay, remember Revenge 2.” She said hugging me and running to catch up with Vladimir and Damien.

“So who were they?” Gerard said when I walked back into the kitchen.

“My friends, Gerard,” I said eyeing him, grabbing the coffee pot and pouring myself some more.

“Well I-“

“I don’t give a rat’s ass what you think Gerard.” I said grabbing my cup of coffee, walking upstairs, and laughing quietly to myself as I heard Gerard yell something to Mikey.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm soooooooooo sorry I haven't updated, I went on vacation, got sick, went to band camp, and then had a bunch of family shit/problems that I'm still going through, and I'm in school right now, which every single class except for my first period is heavy academic...

Thank God for music and friends, god knows where i'd be without them...
