A Thousand Hearts are Beating To the Sound of Our Music


OK, I didn't mention this before, but I am writing this with one my friends on here. Pip. WOO HOO!!!

Brendo Urie and I, Cody Malsin, have been friends since childhood. We hardly ever fought and when we did, it was over something ridiculous, like whose microwave bacon was the best.

We both loved music, too. I've always love the band he was in, Panic! at the Disco.

The problem came when I was ready to start my own musc career, and a recording lebel asked me to visit them in New York.

"You aren't going, are you?" he asked when i told him about the news at Ryan's house. Ryan and I were both shocked at this statement.

"What do you mean I'm not going? This is my one chance," I said to him.

"And what about Panic?" Brendon said, standing up to get the full effect.

I was just cofused, but Ryan gave him a weird look and said, "Brendon, Cody has nothing to do with Panic! at the Disco."

"Yeah," I said, "Why do you expect me to stay just for your band?"

Brendon looked as if I had said something stupid. "Panic has been trying longer that you have."

"That makes no difference! Especially in the music business, Brendon!"

That was news to Brendon, then he got more angry. "Well, if you want to start a new career so bad, the maybe you shouldn't come back."

I just stared at for a minute, a little shocked. He just stared back. Then I said, "Ok." Then I got up and left Ryan's house.

I went to the apartment that me and Brendon shared. That's when he started to call and text repeatedly. I ignore all of them. I packed all my stuff, then went to the airport to leave for New York immediately. Brendon still continued to call and text, but I continued to ignore them. When I got to New York, I changed my cell phone number.

I met up with the record company, but I wasn't what they were looking for. I stayed in the and got a good job, but continued working on my music.

I was pretty lonely in the big city, until I met Lindy at a concert. We practically became sisters, although not legally, and we created a band together called Self Infliction Nightmare, or SIN for short with three of our other friends Xbox, Playstation, and Wii (also known as Paul, Sam, and Ned... but those names are boring!)

But I always kept up with news about Panic! at the Disco, and bought "A Fever You Can't Sweat Out" the day it came out. I was so glad they had great success with their music.

Sin ended up succeeding to. We were signed with Fueled by Raymen a year or two after Panic, but we haven't seen each other... and we hopefully won't... I hope...
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