A Thousand Hearts are Beating To the Sound of Our Music

Oh, Crapsticks...

"Oh, crap!" I said, turning back to Lindy. Panicing and looking for a detour. I saw Wii close by talking to someone, and I rushed over toward him and jumped on his back. To him and me, it was a thing I did randomly to all three of the guys in our band, but hopefully to Brendon it meant something else.

"Hello, Cody," Wii said calmly. "How's the party been for you?"

I looked over toward Brendon to see him looking confused, then turned to Lindy and said something. I knew she would think of something. "It's been ok."

Wii gave a laugh. "What happened?"

"The lead singer of Panic at the Disco," I said quickly.

All the guys didn't know much, wait let me correct that, they didn't know ANYTHING about my connection with Brendon, so he spit out a little of the drink that he had been taking a sip of and said, "What? What did Mr. Las Vegas do to you?"

"Long story, just help me!" I said.

"Well to help you, you'd probably have to get off my back." I slid off his back and he said. "Thank you. Now what do you want me to do?"

I shrugged. "After that little show, I can probably just stay here and talk to you, but I might want to find a dance buddy for the rest of the night."

Wii nodded and said, "Ok, well I want to introduce you to a few people." That was when I adverted my attention to the people in front of Wii, Five guys who know one in SIN really needed an introduction for.

"Your My Chemical Romance!" I said, obviously starstruck, as I had been practically all night.

They each laughed little, then Gerard said, "Well we usually like to be known as Frank, Mikey, Gerard, Ray, and Bob." He pointed at each member of the band as he said their name.

I put on a fake sympathetic look and said, "I'm very sorry, however can I make up for it?"

He looked me up and down and said, "How about a drink or something?"

"Ok," I said, then we started to go toward the bar.

"So what was up with all that?" Gerard asked as we were sitting and drinking.

I laughed a little bit. "A person from my past popped up that I wasn't too anxious to see."

He nodded. "So what was it? An ex?"

"Not really, but kinda," I said. "I'd rather not talk about it."

He nodded. "So," he said, trying to think of something to talk about, "What kind of music do you like?" He smiled a little.

I smiled back and laughed a little. "Well, there is this really cool band call My Chemical Romance, but you haven't heard of them."

"No, I don't think I have," Gerard said sarcastically. He laughed a little and said, "Ok, I know you like MCR, but what other bands?"

I shrugged. "I kinda like those with a little... surprise with them, like Panic at the Disco, but that's mostly cause they're from my hometown."

Gerard gasped. "So does that mean that your a Vegas showgirl?"

"No. It means I was raised one, didn't really want to go into the family business and... the rest is history." I said in a really secretive way.

A few minutes passed and I had had a couple of red bulls, which means I was way too hyper. I mean, I'm hyper without the caffeine, so you have to know that's not good, but Gerard and I were having a great time, but then we got interuppted.

"Cody?" I heard from behind me. I turned around and saw....

Ryan Ross. Brendon had obviously not told him that I was here because his jaw was practically on the counter.

"HEY!" I said. "What is upward my home dog slice Gee... wait Gee's BEHIND me, so your the home dog slice Ry fashizzle..." I laughed a little bit, "I'm hyper."

He laughed. "I can see that. I haven't seen you since you left. How are you?"

I smiled. "I'm great, you know with SIN and everything."

"Yep, we heard of SIN before the album was out. You know with us being with Fueled by Raymen and everything. Brendon was ecstatic."

I raised an eyebrow. "Well he wasn't as ecstatic five years ago."

He lowered his head, obviously not liking that the subject had to be brought up. "Brendon just over-reacted. He just didn't want you to leave, but it kinda came out wrong."

I nodded, understanding that. "But I'm still not ready to talk to him."

He nodded. "You will give me your number so I can get back in touch with you? Your not mad at this are you?" He gave a "I'm innocent" little kid smile.

I smiled and nodded, then we gave each other our phones and exchanged numbers and took awesome picture of ourselves so they could pop up everytime we called each other, then the both of us and Gerard started to talk about random things.

We were just talking about Guitar Hero and it's pros and cons when I just happened to turn my head to see the lead singer of Ryan's group head toward us with a girl on his arm... not that that bothered me or anything, he can wear as many girls as he wants for all I care... I feel a little detail is good for a story... I wasn't... jealous or anything, it was just a fact.

"Gerard, I think we should get back to your band. We've been away long enough."

He gave me a weird look, but nodded. I said a quick goodbye to Ryan and we headed to find our band mates.
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