A Thousand Hearts are Beating To the Sound of Our Music

The Brendon Talk

After a couple more hours of hanging out with My Chemical Romance, me and Lindy got tired and headed home.

"So," Lindy started as we were watching TV in our pajamas, "what exactly is the whole ordeal with Mr. Urie?"

I rolled my eyes and took a sip of my Dr. Pepper. "Well... I don't really know. All I remember is eighteen years of my life and then, 'Well, since you want to start a singing career and my band hasn't made it, then you should leave.'"

Lindy made a face that expressed her confusion. "Were you dating?"

I hesitated a little. "I don't know."

"How do you not know if you were dating?" Lindy asked with a little laugh.

I shrugged. "Well, once we started sharing the same apartment, we didn't really date anyone else, but you couldn't really say that WE were dating."

"Well, that's just plain confusing," Lindy said. I nodded and then she asked, "So, are you going to just keep running from him or are you going to try to work things out?"

I shook my head. "No, I can't just keep running. I have to work it out with him, just not right now. Plus, I've talked to the other guys from Panic and I'm sure we're going to keep in touch. It's not fair for me to talk to them and keep cutting myself from HIM! I'm not sure how he would react... although I'm sure those busty girls could comfort him."

"He was just trying to make you jealous, just like you were trying to do to him."

"Nuh-uh," I said to her, "those were band mates, I had a good excuse."

Lindy nodded, agreeing with me. "But since you've known him so long, would he really get close to so many girls in one night?"

I shook my head, then suddenly felt like a change in subject. "Ok, now what about Mr. Iero?"

Turning a little pink, Lindy turned and said, "What about him?"

"Did he find Colorado?" I asked, feigning innocence as to what I really meant.

"No... he found Florida," Lindy said.

I nodded, then quit my innocence act. "Now how exactly did he obtain Florida?"

Lindy widened her eyes and looked at me. "Not by the way you're suggesting, Cody." I started laughing and she said, "We're both interested in guitars-"

"And each other," I interuppted, "And how many times do I have to correct you? It's GEE-tar."

Lindy laughed. "You've had too much caffeine, and I'm extremely tired. I'm going to bed. 'Night."

"'Night," I said, then we both went to bed.

The next morning I woke up to the sound of Metro Stations "Wish We Were Older," which signalled that I had a call. I groaned and grabbed the phone off of my nightstand. I pressed the 'send' button and gave a groggy "Hello?"

"Hey, Cody. Did I wake you up?" It was Ryan.

"No. Metro Station did that," I answered.

"Oh, ok," Ryan said, not understanding my sarcasm. "I was wondering if you wanted to come hang out with me, Jon, and Spencer. Brendon's hanging out with one of his friends down here, so he'll be out most of the day."

"Okay," I said to him, "What are we planning on doing."

Ryan made a noise as if he sounded shocked. "What are we going to do? I haven't played guitar hero with you in three years!"

I laughed. "My place or yours?"



"HELL YEAH!" Ryan said.

Suddenly, Playstation popped his head into the room. "Oh, gosh, we weren't imagining things! She's awake!" He looked like he was about to cry, but I knew he was just joking.

I threw the closest thing to me, which was one of my converses, at Playstation, and then gave Ryan the directions to my house.
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it's short, kinda just a filler....
