A Romance To Remember


Dawn, as the sun stretches over the sky Demo is awaken by the increasing light in her room. Demo took the covers and tried to cover the window but it was too bright the sun was stinging her eyes.
Demo: Ray, wake up.
Ray: Yeah?
Demo: Cover the window.
Ray: I'll do it later.
Demo: No, now.
Ray rolled back over.
Demo: Ray the light is burning my eyes!
Ray:give your eyes time to..( the rest was mumbled.)
Demo: Why the hell don't we have curtains?
Ray hadn't covered the windows so Demo pulled the blankets over her body.
When Ray woke up he couldn't find his pants.
Ray: Babe, are you up?
Demo: Yes I'm up.
Ray: You see my pants?
Demo: Yea..
Ray: where?
Demo: I'm wearing them.
Ray: Why?
Demo: the fuckin sunlight is stinging my skin and you wont cover the damn window.
Ray: what you want me to cover the window with?
Demo: A fucking blanket.
Ray: give me one.
Ray tugged at the blanket.
Demo: Not this fucking blanket! get another one!
Ray: but I don't have my pants.
Demo: No one will see you, its early.
Ray got a towel that was laying on the side of the tub. He walked down the hall and saw Frank.
Ray: Frank?
Frank turned around.
Frank: Hey Ray!
Ray: Hey, what are you doing here?
Frank: I don't know, my woman said she wants a vacation, so I say fine.
Ray: Oh.
Frank: Why aren't you dressed?
Ray: Demo has my pants.
Frank: That's the girl you told me about right?
Ray: Yeah.
Frank: You got her boy!
Ray: Yeah, hey.
Frank: Yeah.
Ray: I'll see you around.
Frank: You bet.
Ray took blankets off a cart and went back to his room. Demo was still curled up just how he had left her.
Ray: I need some nails..
Ray looked in a box that was on the table and there were nails in side.
Ray: Fuck yeah!
Ray: Where's my dagger?
Demo: Here.
She took the knife out of her pocket and slid it out from under the covers.
Ray: Thank you.
He had the covers over the window in no time and Demo could come out.
Demo: Come lay with me Ray.
Ray laid down in Demo's arms.
Ray: Why is your body so cold lately?
Demo: Is it cold everywhere?
Ray: What's happening to you?
Demo: I'm a monster.
Ray: Are you?
Demo: Yes, will you believe me now?
Ray: What monster are you?
Demo: A Nosferatu.
There was a pause and Ray sat up.
Ray: When he bit you, that's when it happened?
Demo: Or the night my wrist was bitten.
Ray: So you killed that man, for his blood.
Demo: It was the only way I could leave, you would have slept with her again.
Ray: No.
Demo: How could you stop it.
Ray: There was nothing to stop.
Demo: I could tell, she would have.
Ray: Your the only woman for me.
Demo: Yes.. (Wanting to say more, but doesn't.)
Ray: So, your seventeen?
Demo: (a smile) Yes.
Ray: I'm nineteen.
Demo: We're married and don't know anything about each other.
Ray: That's part of the fun.
Demo: Yeah, what am I going to do all day I'm stuck in this room.
Ray: I don't know but I have to get a wagon for you so we can leave.
Demo: Alright.