Sequel: In The Midst


Sequel Preview, Raid Hannah's Closet & Update Info

So... you're at the end of the road with Hallways. What now?

Well maybe you're interested in the styles of our budding fashionista Hannah. In that case, you're in luck! I've put together some typical Hannah outfits for your benefit.
Cali Casual
Nice Girl Chic
Hipster Dressy
(It's important for me to note that Hannah's status as fashion It-Girl is a major part of the SEQUEL...)

Did someone say Sequel? Why yes, I did. That's why you're here isn't it? For a glimpse of the sequel. Well duh.
The sequel to Hallways will be titled In the Midst. And here's a little preview:

It was her. It was definitely, most certainly her. And yet, it wasn't. She wasn't the same. Her hair was all wrong; too light and flat-ironed straight. Her clothes didn't look like they belonged in her wardrobe; too attention grabbing and not at all fitting her previous laid-back style. And the worst change, in Kevin's opinion, was the fact that she wasn't smiling. Although she was chatting away pleasantly with a brunette in a mini-skirt, her face was somber and without expression. How could one person change so much in just two and a half months? Kevin didn't believe it was possible. And despite the changes and her strange demeanor, Kevin couldn't deny that she was still the most beautiful girl in the room.

Hannah had been totally oblivious to the fact Kevin was staring at her until she turned her head to try and find Lacey in the crowd of posh people. Instead, she found Kevin Jonas looking directly at her. She inhaled sharply and her eyes widened nervously. The last time she'd seen him was the final night of tour as he was on stage, gloomily strumming his guitar. It was a heart-wrenching memory and looking at him brought it back to the surface of her mind. She wanted to run away; and quick. But he had noticed her looking at him, looking at her. There was no use in trying to run or fight this now. They saw one another. Hannah knew she'd have to say something to him or run the risk of looking like a bitch. These days she didn't much care about being nice to people but this was KEVIN. Her Kevin. The one person on the planet that potentially could bring her out of her neurotic self-induced misery. The man that she had left stranded in a hallway. This was Kevin, how could she deny him?

As she walked in his direction her mind darted to the silver bracelet she still never took off. The silver bracelet that was around her wrist at that very moment. The piece of jewelry that had their initials engraved into it. And as he saw her approaching, Kevin was convinced that the temperature in the room had spiked rather suddenly.

"Hi," Hannah said gently, as if being around Kevin sent her back in time to when she was still shy, soft-spoken and subtle.

He couldn't come up with a proper greeting because all he could think about was her sudden appearance. "What are you doing here?"

Yey for reunions.
Okay, so here's the deal: I'm going to see Jonas Brothers this Friday and moving back to college on Saturday. So there won't be any updates until at least Sunday (but probably later than that). The first thing I'm going to update is my brand new Joe Jonas story. And sometime after I start that, I will start posting In the Midst, probably depending on how excited everyone is to read the sequel.