License to Love


‘’Mum called,’’ I whispered, watching Gerard sip his coffee.
He didn’t say a word, and wrapped his arm around my waist. I sunk further into the old lounge, as Gerard sunk further into my heart.

‘’Twice,’’ I continued. ‘’I didn’t call back. I saw this after I got out of bed, but I didn’t check whether she left a message. She did – I checked a few minutes ago – and she wants to talk.’’
‘’I’m guessing that’s bad, Ari,’’ He replied, furrowing his eyebrows.

We didn’t say anything for a minute. My head rested on his shoulder; his fingers intertwined through mine. I didn’t think there was much to say. Despite this silence was awkward, I didn’t want to speak. I needed to think more than anything – especially if I planned to call Mum back.

‘’You know its 11:30am. You really should be at school, Hun.’’
‘’Yeah…’’ I muttered, ‘’It’s just Friday, though. It doesn’t matter.’’
Despite he wasn’t quite convinced; he put down his empty coffee mug and decided to reply, rather than refilling the mug.

‘’Uh, does anyone know where you’re staying?’’ Gerard questioned, sounding more worried than curious.
‘’Well… I called Renee, using your home phone, and told her what number she could call to talk to me. That’s all I said, though,’’ I stated.


Gerard’s lips pressed onto mine, as he leaned over me. The lounge barley creaked as I held him close. His tongue was now grazing my bottom lip, as my arms tightened around his waist, pulling him as close as possible to my warm body. Accepting Gerard’s request, his tongue slid in, as mine soon found its way into his mouth. I could feel him smile, and I couldn’t help but mirror his display of happiness.

But we didn’t hear Charlie, my little brother, walk through the half-open front door.
♠ ♠ ♠
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