License to Love


I shut the front door, a big grin on my face. I hadn’t had that much fun in ages. The house was dark, so I stumbled over to the wall and flicked the light switch. Everything was so much brighter now, but it was too quiet.

‘’Gerard?’’ I yelled, walking into the lounge-room. ‘’Gerard, where are you?’’
There was no reply.

I looked around the room. I couldn’t see any sign of him; no empty coffee mugs, no drawings, no half-eaten food, nothing. I continued to look for him, and my eyes came across a sheet of paper on the dining table. Quickly, I walked over to it, and picked up the note.

We were bound to get found out, Arianna.
I love you so much, please don’t think I don’t.
But I’m not good for you. You need to go off, and live like a normal sixteen year old, and live under the same roof as your parents, not your boyfriend.
Maybe we’ll cross paths again someday, when things are a lot easier.
I love you, always.
And don’t think I'm not going to miss you – I already do.

Tears trickled down my cheeks, as my knees gave in. I collapsed onto the floor, and didn’t bother to get back up. I didn’t want to. Pessimistic thoughts flowed into my mind, and the walls felt as though they were closing in on me.
‘’Gerard…’’ I cried, ‘’Please come back.’’

Why did he leave? What was I going to do?
I didn’t want to go back to my family. I wanted to stay here, in Gerard’s house, where his scent was strong.

The tears were flowing heavier now, and my eyes stung. I felt nothing but pain.