A Picture Is Worth a Thousand Memories


"Grandma Grandma Grandma" a sing song voice bellowed as a young girl with long blonde hair entered the room, "Grandma where are you?" the little girl asks curiously as she gazes around the room. "I am right here" an elderly voice says, the little girl turns around and sees that her grandmother is sitting on an old wooden rocking chair. The little girl walks over and takes a seat in front of her grandmother, the little girls eyes quickly shift from her grandmother and towards a painting leaning against a nearby wall.

"Grandma is that a muggle painting? When are you going to hang it up? Why does the man look so angry? Is that man the girls father?" the little girl asks curiously, the grandmother lets out a small laugh "One question at a time" she says to the over curious child that is sitting in front of her.
"Ok grandma" the little girl says as she looks at her shoes, "Ok I will answer your questions" the grandmother says.

"Do you understand the concept of the charms on Wizarding paintings?" the elderly woman asks, the little girl nods her head and begins to speak "The paintings come to life when the souls of those who have died enter the painting" the little girl says proudly. "Yes that is right darling. However this painting is different, the painting will only come to life when two souls are united" the woman says, "Are you going to hang the painting on the wall?" the little girl asks as she pushes her blonde hair from her eyes. "No sweetheart. This painting will hang on the wall of Hogwarts along with the portraits of the other headmasters" the woman says, "But why does the man look so angry?" the little girl asks with her eyes full of curiosity. "The man is not angry he is just…misunderstood, and no they are not father and daughter; they are husband and wife. Here I will tell you a story" the woman says as the little girl crosses her legs and looks up towards her grandmother.

"Once upon a time ago there was a man who was lonely and thought that he could never be loved; the man was the Potions Master at Hogwarts many years ago. One day a student fell deeply in love with the man but he tried his hardest to push her away because he was afraid that he would hurt her in some way, the girl was stubborn and would not take no for an answer. Over the years the girl never gave up on the Potions Master and one day he could no longer deny his feelings for the girl and they were wed. For many years the man and the girl lived happy lives but there was a bad man who disliked the man, the bad man was Lord Voldemort. Lord Voldemort killed the man and the girl promised just before her husband died that they would be together forever in the after life" the elderly woman says as she wipes the scarce tears from her eyes.

"Lily Andromeda Snape where are you?" another female voice yells, the little girl turns around and sees that her mother is in the doorway. "Lily what were you doing in this room?" the little girls mother asks, "I was talking to Grandma" the girl says as she looks back into the room but it is empty. "Okay, now run off and tell your father that we are going in a moment" the girls mother says, "Okay mummy" the girl says as she runs out of the room with a smile on her face.

The girl's mother walks over to the painting that is sitting against the wall; she leans down and lifts it up. The woman smiles as she gazes down at the painting, "It is about time you two were back together" the woman says as she looks at the inscription at the bottom of the painting. "Lord and Lady Snape" Together for eternity
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This is a one-shot