

Sitting there all alone could have been one of the jaded times of my life. I was studying for my up coming math test. Then a voice from a far called out my name. I turned around to see this strikingly beautiful man standing in the doorway. I was about to get up and approach him except someone beat me to it. She was the prettiest girl in my dorm and he was the most handsome guy. She kissed him on the check as she walked passed him. I felt the fury well up inside of me. I know he wasn’t mine but I was in love with him and loathed anyone kissing him. His name was Gerard Way and was hopefully my future husband. He and his brother might be the geeks of the dorm but when someone is as hot as they were nobody cared. Mikey (Gerard’s younger brother) was head of the chess club and the debate team and yet he was able to have a girlfriend who wasn’t socially deprived. But here I sat, sure I was an A-graded student but that was only because I wanted to become a doctor. I sat here hoping one day I would meet a guy like Gerard and when I finally do, he turns out to be the complete opposite. “Amelia, over here!” a voice called.

I got up and approached the person who was calling out to me. My best friend who mightn’t be as smart as me but still a very reliable friend in my times of need. “Hey Frank, how are you?” I replied with a fake smile

“Great, have you heard the news? Gerard and Neka are actually going out. Can you believe that nerd has a girlfriend and I can’t even get one?” Frank laughed.

One thing great about having Frank as a friend, he knows everything as soon as it happens in this dull place. “Gerard has a girlfriend?” I was shocked. Gerard hardly has a need for a girlfriend when he flirts with every girl in sight.

“Yeah I couldn’t believe it either especially since his only had one other girlfriend who wasn’t actually a girl more like me,” Frank laughed.

Yes Frank’s gay and yes Gerard was and I think he still is, he’s just trying to cover it up. “No offence, but who would want to go out with him? He’s a nerd and a player. Those things should never mix,”

“Umm I did and I know you do,” Frank giggled.

“Shut up Frankie-pie.” I punched in the arm lightly whilst laughing all the way to his dorm room.

I sat on his bed whilst he sat on a chair. “So, Melie how is your relationship with Gerard going anyway? Made any progress on him seeing you yet?”

“Shut up Frankie, I’m working on that but first I need to get rid off Neka,” I laughed my very bad evil laugh.

I know it’s hard to be bad at evil laughing but I never did see any reason to need it when I was a kid. “And how are you going to do that?” he asked.

I can’t believe he thought I was being serious. “Of cause I can’t rid of her but Gerard will tire of her like every other girl. When that day comes I’ll be the only girl left standing.” I again I tried the evil laugh as my plan got more “evil” but failed again.

“You should really work on that and this is the worst plan I’ve ever had to listen to. How about I just introduce you to each other and see what happens?” frank inquired getting frustrated with me.

“Well why didn’t you say that in the first place? Introduce us after Science tomorrow, okay Frankie-poo?” I answered as I was getting up.

“Don’t worry, I’ll see if my idea works, night,” Frank called out as I exited his dorm room.
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thoughts anyone???