Status: Completed.

Blue Blood; Red Hands

x Chapter Fifteen x Eve Of Christmas


Sasuke watched his breath turn to steam as he sat on the bench in the park. Due to all of hate snow, nobody was outside. You wouldn't have even been able to tell that it was the day before Christmas. Kitty invited him over for Christmas but she hadn't mentioned anything about Christmas Eve.

Suddenly, a snowball came hurtling towards him and smashed into his face, sending him off of the bench and into the powdery, white snow. He looked over to see a smiling Kiba and his panting dog at his side. "Oi, Sasuke! Why aren't you at Leeto and Kitty's yet?" he asked, tilting his head to the side a bit.

"We were supposed to be there today?" he asked and sat up, confused. "Yeah..Leeto said that Kitty told her she invited you.." he said, jumping onto Akamaru's back. "Eh. Just come on. We'll go see what happened."

xWith the Girlsx
Leeto and Kitty sat on the couch, waiting for the two boys to show up. Leeto noticed that Sasuke wasn't as early as he usually would be and decided to ask Kitty about it. "Kitty," she began, sighing. "Where is you queef and why isn't he here yet?"

Kitty began to giggled nervously and Leeto raised an eyebrow in question. "I kind of forgot to invite him because I was distracted by the noodles.." she said, quietly. Leeto's eyes twitched. Leeto didn't remember making noodles recently but decided against asking Kitty about it. Did she really want to know?

"Go invite him now." she aid, reluctantly. "Right!" Kitty said and looked around hate room. "Where is he?" Leeto smacked her hand against her forehead. "You have to go find him. You are 17 years old and have the mind of a newborn." Kitty sulked.

At that moment, Kiba walked in with Sasuke and Akamaru following. Kitty shot up and hugged Sasuke. She immediately let go of him due to the cold still on his skin. "I am so sorry! I forgot! I was preoccupied and..I'm sorry! I'm just glad you are here." Kitty explain, thawing him as he nodded. He understood.

While nodding, Sasuke noticed a bit of silver sticking out of the corner of Kitty's mouth. "What's this?" he asked her, picking it off of her face. Kitty peered at the silver in his palm.

"Time to eat!" Leeto cried as Kiba followed her into the kitchen. Kitty's eyes widened. "Wait! You mean, the tree wasn't covered with our dinner?!" she yelled, shocked. "No!" Leeto cried. She turned, eyes wide in surprise.

"But!" Kitty cried. "it was covered in noodles! And crunchy sugar balls! And silver angel hair pasta! And popcorn!

"Those are ornaments, tinsel, uncooked pasta and stale popcorn, Kitty!" Leeto cried. "I am surprised you aren't dead." Sasuke chimed in.

Leeto sighed and walked off to the kitchen. "What the hell, Leeto?!" Sasuke fumed. "Kitty might get badly sick or her insides could be slicing themselves open right now!" He began to make hand gestures of her insides going kaboom!

"She's eaten a broken cup before! I am sure she'll be fine! I know her better than anyone! So get off of my case! Leeto cried. "Oi!" Kibba yelled, stepping in between the two. "Its the effin holidays, so shut up and get along already!"

Everyone became silent. All that could be heard was Akamaru whining softly. Leeto sighed and patted Kitty's head. "Okay, deal. When you are done talking to queef, come help me with food, okay?" she said and, with that, Leeto and Kiba left to the kitchen.

Kitty smiled brightly at Sasuke. "Do you want to spend the night?" she asked him. It was the thing that every seventeen year old boy wanted to hear from his girlfriend. He nodded eagerly. Leeto had asked the same thing to Kiba as well and he, too, agreed.