Status: Completed.

Blue Blood; Red Hands

x Chapter Seven x Puppy Time


The next day, a new morning was greeted rather grumpily by Leeto and happily by Kitty. Leeto cooked eggs and more pancakes, which Kitty scarfed down. Leeto didn't even bother to get a pancake- Kitty was very protective over her food. Leeto just laid down on the couch and rested her eyes until there was a knock on the door. "Leeto, get it." Kitty said and poked her friend. Leeto sighed. "You." she replied, covering her head with a pillow.

"It is probably for you anyway." Kitty said, plainly, and pulled Leeto onto the floor. Leeto got up, groaning and answered the door to see Kiba. "Hey, Leeto." he said. He smiled and gave her a quick peck on the cheek. Leeto immediately perked up and returned his smile. "Hi, Kiba." she replied, giving him a hug. In the background, they could hear Kitty groan, "And so it begins!"

Leeto and Kiba laughed. "Why are you here so early?" Leeto asked him, still smiling. "I got you something." he said, picking up something beside the door. He held a little four month old Alaskan Malamate puppy. One eye was green and the other was blue. Leeto was taken aback by his gesture and she was speechless. Kiba took it the wrong way and frowned a little.

"I know its a huge responsibility and I shouldn't have gotten him for you without asking first but..Oh, it is probably going to queef everywhere- even though I have no clue what a queef is. I just heard some people saying it all yesterday." Kiba ranted. 'How could a boy puppy queef?' Leeto thought to herself before snapping out of her daze."No, Kiba. I love him!" she cried, taking the puppy in her arms. "Thank you." she finished, kidding him gently on the lips. At that moment, Kitty walked out of the kitchen with ego waffles. She looked up, saw them and dropped the plate. "Ooohh!"

Kiba and Leeto backed away from each other, blushing slightly. Kitty picked up her waffles and began to rant about the 5 second/5 hour rule. Kiba cleared his throat and said, "I also wanted to know if you wanted to go out for breakfast."

Leeto giggled. "Okay, just one sec." she said, walking into the kitchen. "Kitty, I'll be back in a bit, okay?" "Yeah Whatever." Kitty said, rushed. She opened a box of pasta noodles and it exploded. Leeto yelled goodbye before walking out the door with Kiba and her new puppy in her arms.