Status: ADOPTED :))

Because Dandelions Are Pretty

Chapter X

Tom wandered down the hallway. Bill's room was on the fifth floor, and Aubrey's was on the first. He'd have to take the elevator or the stairs to get there. Tom made a quick change of direction away from the elevator at the end of the hall and instead opened the door to the staircase. He really didn't feel like waiting for the elevator to reach him. Too slow for his liking.

Tom thundered down the stairs as fast as he could, considering his baggy pants hindered his movements. He didn't want to trip and tumble all the way down. With every step, he tried to think of a scenario for what he would tell Bill when he came back with the news.

If Aubrey was all right, well then, there wasn't really a problem. Bill would be thrilled.

But if she wasn't...

Tom wasn't great at being sensitive. Hell, how sensitive could a guy with a lust for one night stands actually be? But he knew that if something went wrong, he'd have to try his hardest – for his baby brother. Bill was worth it.

Unfortunately, Tom's plans went down the drain as he approached Aubrey's room. Dr. Faust, Aubrey's doctor, was standing outside the door with a clipboard. Tom barely had time to open his mouth when the doctor looked up and saw him.

"I'm sorry but you can't be here," Dr. Faust said forcefully.

Tom froze in his tracks. "What? Why not?"

"I'm sorry Mr. Kaulitz but my associate Dr. Kuhn told me how your sibling had to be dragged out of the room and sedated in order to get away from Miss Vasser."

Tom flinched at the memory. "Ja, ja. So what is the problem?"

"We can't have you causing a disturbance like that again. If another patient had seen what happened it would've greatly upset them. Dr. Kuhn has asked me to ensure that nobody goes into this room aside from family."

"My brother was the one who had to be dragged! Not me!" Tom argued. This was ridiculous. What was he going to do – walk in there and kidnap her from her bed?

"I realize this but-" Dr. Faust was cut off again by the furious dreadlocked twin.

"I just want to know how she is doing!"

"That information is private and for family members only," Dr. Faust responded, now equally as frustrated. "Now if you please-"

"My brother is distraught over this girl, Doctor. I don't know why, but please, he needs to know. Is Aubrey all right?" Tom pleaded.

Dr. Faust's gaze hardened. "Mr. Kaulitz, if you don't leave now, I will have to ask for you to be escorted from the premises."

Tom's mouth fell open. Escorted from the premises? Was this guy serious?

He stood still for a moment, listening to see if any sounds were coming from Aubrey's room. If he heard something, maybe it would give him a hint if Aubrey was alive or...

"Mr. Kaulitz, this is my final warning. If you don't leave now-"

"Oh, shove it up your arsch," Tom growled before he whirled on his heel and stomped away.

He didn't care too much about Dr. Faust's reaction. He was more worried about Bill's.


Bill looked up when Tom walked back in the room. He shot his brother a smile, but then it faded at the sight of the defeated look on Tom's face.

Bill snatched the marker board.

Tom, Mein Gott, what happened?

Tom read the board and snickered angrily. "That bastard of a doctor, Faust, wouldn't let me back in the room."

The younger Kaulitz felt his heart drop so fast that he lost his breath for a moment.

Why not? What did we do?

"You mean, what did you do. Because they had to sedate you, I posed a threat since we're related. Now they closed off her room to everybody except her family."

That's ridiculous!

Bill thought for a moment and erased the board again.

Did you try and ask him how she's doing?

"That's apparently classified information," Tom said with mock authority in his voice.

Bill looked down at his lap, the marker board slipping from his grasp. He curled his hands into fists and felt the strong urge to pound them into something, maybe a wall...or Dr. Faust's face.

Tom eyed his brother warily and watched as his face scrunched up. He was trying not to cry in front of his older brother, but Tom saw right through it and walked over to Bill.

"Hey, it'll be okay. She'll be fine," Tom assured him as he wrapped Bill in a giant bear hug.

Bill grabbed onto Tom around the waist and hugged him close, burying his face in his twin's chest and crying silently. Small tears stained the giant T-shirt Tom was wearing; he took notice but didn't do anything about it. Bill needed this – a good cry, a hug, a shoulder to rest on.

Bill pulled away suddenly to pick up his marker board. Sniffling a little, he began to write:

They're making me stay here for one more night to heal. And then 10 days without talking.

"Those will be 10 of the best days of my life," Tom tried to lighten the atmosphere.

It sort of worked; Bill stuck his tongue out at him, but his cheeks were still wet with tears.

Are you going to sleep in a hotel for tonight?

Tom considered the option but then shook his head. "Nein, I'll stay with you. You'll be pretty bored here by yourself. And I can go down now and grab Georg and Gustav. It'll be like a hospital party."

Bill rolled his eyes.

And then an idea struck him like a punch to the chest.

Tom, you said Dr. Faust is only letting family members in Aubrey's room, right?

"Ja. What's your point?"

Go find Noah.
♠ ♠ ♠
"Arsch" is "ass" just FYI ;]
& wow, I got a lot of comment on the last chapter! Thank you:
Csimiamigirl73, Auburnly, MCRluver1991, Exklusiv., and xloser-face-lovex
Seriously guys, that's just awesome. Keep it up! <3