Status: ADOPTED :))

Because Dandelions Are Pretty

Chapter XVI

"Aubrey, you feel cold. Perhaps you should go inside."

"I told you, Nicolas, I feel fine."

Bill wrinkled his nose in disgust at the quick exchange between his friend and the arrogant male. He looked to his left, where the two of them were standing side-by-side leaning against the railing of the ferry. Nicolas had one arm precariously draped across Aubrey's shoulders. He spotted Bill staring at them from over Aubrey's head and shot the mute vocalist a quick smirk.

Heat radiated to Bill's face, making it burn.

He quickly turned to staring at the water passing by underneath the ferry. It was hypnotic and somewhat soothing, helping him to forget the fact that he was basically a third wheel on an unofficial date.

Aubrey tilted her head towards Bill slightly, frowning a little as she noticed his slouch and the dark look on his face. She quickly turned to Nicolas and said, "Actually Nick, I'm a little thirsty. Could you go inside and maybe grab a bottle of water?"

Nicolas smiled warmly. "But of course."

He dropped his arm slowly before whirling around and heading inside the main deck of the ferry through a pair of sliding glass double doors.

Aubrey waited until the doors slid shut before she turned to Bill.

"Sorry about him," she apologized.

Bill quirked an eyebrow, silently confused.

Aubrey read the look on his face and said, "He's nice and all, but a little too clingy. I wonder if he thinks this is a date or something."

Bill smiled in relief. At least Aubrey didn't feel as close to Nicolas as he thought. That was a good sign.

Aubrey shuffled closer to Bill so that their arms were touching on the railing. Bill noticed she was still wearing his jacket, even though Nicolas had put his up for grabs only a few minutes before. Aubrey had refused kindly and snuggled even more into Bill's.

Bill wondered if she did that on purpose to piss off Nicolas. If that was her plan, then he was more than supportive of her.

But then if Aubrey wanted to get rid of Nicolas, what did that mean for Bill...?

Was she trying to ward off Nicolas just because he was obnoxious and never gave her any space to herself, or...

Did she want Nicolas out of the way because she really wanted Bill all along?

Bill shook the thought from his head almost instantly. He didn't want the idea making his ego grow any larger than it was. He might end up like Nicolas.

The thought made a smirk come to his face. As if that would ever happen.

The sliding doors opened once again and Nicolas was there empty-handed.

"Bill," Nicolas addressed him, surprising both Bill and Aubrey, "I cannot seem to reach where they stack the water bottles. Perhaps you could help me?"

Bill wanted to sigh in exasperation. It was true that Bill stood a little bit taller than Nicolas, but not by much. If Nicolas tried to jump, he could probably reach the water bottles, but he most likely didn't want to run the risk of ruining his perfect model hairdo.

Nicolas stood there waiting while Bill mentally kicked himself before nodding in silent acceptance and walking towards the fencer.

Nicolas led Bill through the double doors before making a sharp left towards descending stairs.

"The ferry snack bar is one deck below," Nicolas explained before hurrying down the steps with Bill close on his heels.

There was a loud roar as they reached the bottom deck, signaling to Bill that they were closer to the engine than he would've liked to be. There was no way the snack bar was way down here, was there...?

"This way," Nicolas called over the racket and the noise.

They were in a tiny hallway, so Bill had to squeeze behind Nicolas instead of walking next to him. The lights along the ceiling were dim, giving everything an eerie orange glow.

Dimly Bill remembered leaving his marker board above deck on the floor next to Aubrey. He wished he had it now; he'd be able to tell Nicolas that he had no idea where he was going.

Suddenly Nicolas stopped short and Bill rammed into his spiny back.

"Sorry," Nicolas mumbled. "You will have to squeeze in front of me to grab the water."

Bill tried to move in a position where he could see clearly over Nicolas's shoulder, but it just wasn't possible. He did indeed have to maneuver himself around the other boy in order to see where they were going in such a small hallway. Bill cringed inwardly at the thought of having to press even closer to Nicolas in order to get around him.

"We don't have all day," Nicolas prodded almost impatiently.

Bill compressed himself against the wall and slid forward, trying as hard as he could not to touch Nicolas (not only was that awkward, but he was wearing a horrible-smelling French cologne that Bill did not want to come in contact with). He scooted in front of Nicolas and was able to see that they were facing a closed metal door that was rusting away in some spots.

It did not look at all like the entrance to a snack bar.

Bill tilted his head to the side and gave Nicolas a look that read, 'For real? Through there?'

Nicolas nodded quickly. "Just open the door."

Bill shrugged and grasped the cool metal handle before turning it with a creak that was almost as loud as the engine's hum. Clearly, this door was rarely ever used.

Suspicious and curious all at once, Bill flung the door open.

No snack bar.

It was a small utility closet. A bucket and a mop occupied one corner while a vacuum took up the other end.

Before Bill had a chance to turn around and face Nicolas, he felt two strong hands shove him from behind. Bill stumbled forward and pitched into the dark closet, slamming into the far wall.

"Désolé, Monsieur Kaulitz, but all's fair in love and war," Nicolas's voice taunted from behind Bill before he heard the door slam shut and lock.
♠ ♠ ♠
Désolé = Sorry
I'm baaaaack :D
I know this update was short; please don't hurt me. I've had so much on my mind lately.
I actually had the time of my life at camp. No joke. You remember how much I didn't want to go away? I am SO glad that I was wrong. There's literally a million things to tell you guys, seriously! This has been the craziest camp experience of my life!

Oh, & the funniest thing: I met a guy at camp named Nicolas who is a fencer from France! But he's nowhere near as dickheaded as the one in this story :D

Thank you to EVERYONE who has commented & read & subscribed while I was away! Sorry I'm too lazy to list them all now, but I'll get right back on that in the next update <3