Status: ADOPTED :))

Because Dandelions Are Pretty

A/N + Chapter XXI


Bad news, guys.

My computer's Internet isn't working. I know, I know. Cue horror music.

I'm writing this message from my cousin's laptop, but y'know...I can't keep stealing it. She needs it for grad school. Plus, I have this story saved on my computer (I type it up on Microsoft Word, then copy-paste it on mibba.) So you can see my dilemma, I hope.

I'm obvs not gonna quit writing this because of some stupid Optimum Online problem or whatever, but it's gonna take a wee bit longer because I'm gonna have to keep typing it up on my computer, then saving it on a USB drive, then transferring it to the laptop...

You can see why this isn't much fun for me to do.

I'm not putting this message up on all of my other stories yet because, well...I don't wanna be redundant. Or something like that. I dunno.

I just felt bad because I haven't updated this particular story in forever and I wanted to let you guys know that I'm still here, just not Internet-connected.

But wait!

I've never done this, but I'm gonna try and type some more of the story up right now, right on mibba. So if there's spelling error and such, try not to go into cardiac arrest please.

It's not gonna be long because I hate typing on laptops (bending over isn't fun) but it's something, right?


When the Kaulitz and Vasser siblings stepped back into the fencing arena, the sound of blades clanging against each other was easiest to pick out. Fencers from all over the globe were warming up with each other. Some were practicing their footwork while others were all dressed up in their uniforms, using their blades with a teammate.

Tom had decided, back at the house, that he wanted to see another day of fencing matches. He was starting to get into it, but Aubrey had two sneaking suspicions as to why Tom wanted go to back. One of them was that he wanted to find Nicolas Dubont and kick his scrawny French ass for locking his brother in a closet. The second, not as chivalrous reason, was that he wanted to check out the lithe, slender female fencers. Bill tagged along, of course, and Aubrey really couldn't have been happier that the younger twin was with them.

Aubrey and Noah led the Kaulitz twins down one of the aisles to step out onto the floor of the arena. Luckily for them, the stadium seats were mostly empty. The only people sitting in them were either parents of the fencers or some hardcore fans.

Curiously, Tom walked over to a saber blade lying on the ground and nudged it with his foot.

"This is intense," he commented. "I haven't seen a weapon lying on the ground before."

Bill nodded in agreement while Aubrey stood next to Tom and picked up the saber. Tom jumped backwards a little bit nervously.

"Be careful with that thing!" he blurted, before realizing that Aubrey was more than qualified to touch it.

Bill rolled his eyes and laughed silently while Noah chuckled, "Smooth."

Aubrey put the saber back on the ground before she jumped up onto the raised fencing strip. Bill and Tom watched her as she positioned herself and bent her legs. She was getting ready to practice some footwork.

It was Noah who said, "Aubrey, I don't think that's a good idea. Your leg is still pretty new."

Aubrey waved him off. "Please, Noah. I know my limitations, and I know how to push them enough. That's what fencing is all about, anyway."

Bill nudged Noah's arm anxiously, pleading for him to stop the girl from hurting herself.

"Aubrey," Noah started in a warning voice.

"This is what I've been missing," Aubrey interrupted her brother. She turned to look at him with restless eyes. "I want a piece of it back."

With that said, she positioned herself again and took an advance forward. Her feet were perfectly perpendicular, her legs were bent, and her right arm was raised with her slender fingers curled around an invisible blade handle. She took two quick advances forward, then one small retreat backwards. Bill watched her, mesmerized by the fluid motions she made, forgetting that she could hurt herself.

After a minute or two of watching his sister's simple advancing and retreating, Noah said, "Alright Aubrey, you've done enough. Now stop and rest."

"Oh come on. I'm just getting started!" Aubrey cried out, her face flushed with energy.

Suddenly, Aubrey extended her arm swiftly and her front leg went shooting outwards as she lunged.

It would've been a textbook, ideal example of a lunge, except for what happened afterwards.

Aubrey's front leg buckled beneath her and she cried out in astonishment as she pitched forward and crashed into a heap on the strip.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry it's so short.
And sorry for the setback :[
It's never easy, is it?

purplejes197, Auburnly, Blue Moon, Csimiamigirl73, Renjilover13, flippinjeans, Starbuck!, Jackson Rathbone., and amanda plz? rock for commenting.

But hey, you can rock too, if you do the same [;