Status: ADOPTED :))

Because Dandelions Are Pretty

Chapter IV

When Bill finally explained to Noah what the consequences would be, the younger boy had rushed off to the nearest pay phone to call his parents and let them know the devastating news. Then he said that he'd probably have to contact the Junior Olympic council and tell them what was going on.

As Bill watched helplessly as Noah ran down the hall, eyes full of tears, the nurses exited Aubrey's room, each of them with a sort of grimace on their faces. No doubt they, too, knew what was going to happen to her. Dr. Faust informed Bill that he'd be back as soon as he had news from Noah that Aubrey's parents said it was okay to operate. He then walked down the hall to attend to another patient.

Before the door shut all the way, Bill stuck his hand between it and the frame and gently pushed it open a little, before he froze.

Why was he going in there? What did he care if a stranger had to get a leg removed? He had his own problems to worry about, what with his Larynx operation in less than two hours.

Bill sighed. He'd have to figure out his own emotions later. Right now, the only instinct was telling him to get his butt in the room.

Bill poked his head around the door and carefully looked towards the bed. He was surprised to see Aubrey sitting room, looking at him with a small smile on her face. Her back was propped up against a pile of pillows, and her head was tilted backwards; no doubt she was exhausted.

"Hi," she said gently, her voice small and weak.

"Hallo," Bill responded, still not moving from his spot behind the door.

"Are you gonna come in or just stand there?" Aubrey asked.

Bill blushed and stepped into the room, shutting the door behind him. Aubrey smiled a little before she said, "Who are you anyway?"

"You invite me into your room before asking who I am?" Bill raised his pierced eyebrow. "Isn't that a little backwards?"

"I've never been one for tradition."


There was momentary silence before Bill answered: "I'm Bill Kaulitz."

Aubrey held out one hand weakly. "Aubrey Vasser."

Bill walked towards her and shook her hand gently as he said, "I know. You're one of those elite over-the-top crazy good fencers."

"If you want to put it that way, sure," Aubrey giggled. Bill watched her shiny white teeth sparkle a little in the fluorescent light. "And you're someone I've never heard of before."

Bill grinned. "Don't let that bother you."

Aubrey stared at him for a while before saying, "Are you from Germany?"

"Ja," Bill replied.

"And you can speak in English? Kudos."

"Danke. It's my second language so I'm sorry if I get anything wrong."

"You're doing good so far. And I'm not a fan of grammar anyway. So are you in here just visiting random patients' rooms or do you actually have a reason for wandering around?"

"I have a cyst on my vocal cords that needs removal. My surgery doesn't begin until two hours from now and..." Bill smirked. "I heard your brother Noah humming this song. That's why I came in here in the first place."

"What, are you a talent scout or something?" Aubrey teased.

"Nein. I liked the song he was humming," Bill said.

"What was it?"

Bill grinned inwardly, itching to see Aubrey's response to what he was going to say next: "Some song called 'Monsoon.' It's on the radio all the time here. Very obnoxious."

"Hey!" Aubrey struggled to sit up and smack Bill's arm. "I heard that song once, on American radio. It's cute – don't knock it!"

"You heard it once?" Bill asked curiously.

Aubrey nodded. "Yeah. I only caught like the second chorus and the bridge before my friend changed radio stations. But it was a nice song. The lyrics are absolutely adorable."

Bill decided not to tell Aubrey who he was – not yet, anyway.

"Hey...Bill?" Aubrey asked, her voice suddenly a lot smaller than before. "You were out there in the hall with Dr. Faust. Can you tell me...tell me what's going to happen to me?"

The longer Bill looked at Aubrey the harder it was for him to keep his mouth shut. He quickly looked away and sat down in the seat Noah once occupied. Aubrey watched him carefully, waiting for an answer.

"I'm not sure I should be the one to tell you," Bill finally said. "I'm sure you'd much rather hear it from Noah or your parents, not me."

Aubrey sighed and shut her eyes. Bill watched her chest rise and fall for a while when they both heard footsteps approaching the doorway. Bill turned to see Noah opening the door, tear tracks marking his cheeks.

"Hey Aubs," he said, his voice cracking.

"Hey bro," Aubrey greeted him with open eyes. She reached out a hand and Noah crossed the room, taking a hold of it. "How's things looking for me?"

Noah hiccupped a little. "I called Mom and Dad. They'll be here soon."

"Why do they have to be here? Is it that serious?" Aubrey's eyes flashed.

"Aubrey..." Noah stopped and tried to control his voice.

Bill shamefacedly rose from his seat to leave the two siblings alone together. He sidestepped Noah and backed out of the room, shutting the door in the process. There was a little white chair placed across the hall. Bill walked over and sat down, hands clasped between his legs and his back bent forward anxiously.

He could near nothing from the room.

Again, Bill tried to figure out why he was waiting for any news. He really should just stand up and walk back to the waiting room, where Tom, Georg, and Gustav were still sitting. Aubrey's condition was absolutely none of his business, yet...somehow, he felt like it was.

Before Bill could delve any deeper into his thoughts, the door to Aubrey's room opened yet again, this time with Noah exiting. Bill didn't look at the younger boy; instead, his gaze traveled through the open doorway to look at Aubrey.

She was sitting up, hunched forward with her back off the pillows. Her head was bowed and her face was hidden in her hands, her shoulders wracking with sobs. Before Noah could shut the door, Bill flew off the chair and swept past him, heading right for Aubrey's bedside. He heard Noah shut the door behind him as he sat beside the broken athlete and wrapped his long arms around her.

"Damnit Noah, I said go away!" she snapped between sobs.

"It's Bill," he whispered in her ear. "But I'll leave too if you want."

Aubrey waited for a moment before she nodded her head slowly. Bill sighed and kissed her hair before releasing her and standing up from the bed.

"I'm here when you need me," Bill mumbled.

Aubrey didn't look up, but she nodded again. Her sobs became little gasps for air; she didn't remove her hands from her face. Bill turned and left the room before he shut the door and looked around the hallway; Noah was nowhere to be seen.

Bill sat down in the same lone chair and bowed his head forward.

And that was the first time that Bill Kaulitz wept for Aubrey Vasser.
♠ ♠ ♠
Updating like the wind.
I have a lot of passion for this story.
But like Bill about Aubrey, I don't quite know why :]
Thanks for reading! Comment if you can <3