Status: ADOPTED :))

Because Dandelions Are Pretty

Chapter IX

Bill's head was pounding like a bass drum. He could almost feel his brain pulsating, thumping against his skull. He groaned and turned his head to the side. The throbbing still didn't subside. Maybe if he opened his eyes...

Bad idea. The bright lights above him blinded him instantly. Bill squeaked and shielded his eyes quickly.

Wait a minute...

His surgery...was it over?

Bill swallowed hard and his throat felt like it was being rubbed with sandpaper. Yeah, his surgery was definitely over. That anesthesia must work wonders.

Bill began to cough violently. His throat was in so much pain-

A glass was pressed up against his mouth. With his eyes still closed, Bill sat up and grabbed it gratefully and drank the cool water, savoring the feeling as it slid down his ravished throat. He downed the entire glass in only a few seconds before he tried opening his eyes again.

Tom's face smirked at him good-naturedly. "Guten morgen, little brother. Have a nice sleep?"

Bill opened his mouth to speak when Tom slapped a hand over his mouth.

"You don't want to do that. Larynx surgery, remember? You can't speak," Tom reminded him.

Bill sighed. Damnit. He forgot. He looked at his brother and held up his hands, shrugging as if to say, 'So now what?'

Tom whipped out a dry erase marker board from the table next to Bill's bed, along with a marker. "Georg went out and bought this for you. Figured it'd be helpful."

Bill smiled and nodded thankfully. He took the board and marker from Tom before he scribbled on the board:

Where's Georg and Gustav now?

"Sleeping in the lobby. You were out for a long time. It's already the next day," Tom admitted. "I was waiting outside your room. It wasn't so bad. Did you know this hospital had so many hot nurses? It sucks you were unconscious; you should've seen them."

Bill used the end of his bed sheet to erase his old words on the marker board before writing:

You perv.

Tom chuckled.

Suddenly, Bill's eyes widened so much that they felt like they would pop out of their sockets soon. He scrambled to erase the board before writing out:

AUBREY! What happened to her?!

Bill held the board up to Tom's face, nearly shoving it into him. Tom read it quickly and a look of regret passed over his face.

"I don't know," Tom admitted softly. "I never went back to her room after we left."

Go check her room now!

"Bill," Tom tried to reason with his brother. "I think...I think it's best if you forgot about her."

Bill was thunderstruck and looked at Tom like he had grown an extra nose. Tom quickly averted his gaze, not wanting to look at his brother who was clearly pained by what he said. He couldn't help it though. There was a strong possibility that if Bill stopped worrying so much about Aubrey, eventually he'd forget about her and move on. It was a lot healthier than worrying about her constantly.

On the other hand, Tom was ready to bet anything that Bill would rather go through another round of surgery than give up on Aubrey.

"I'm sorry Bill but if you keep this up, you might get so distracted that..." Tom stopped himself.

That what? Tell me. Do you think I'd forget about my family? About Tokio Hotel? Is that it?

Tom reread the marker board again before nodding a little. "Ja. Pretty much."

Well don't worry. I won't. But I need to know what happened to Aubrey.

Bill had a maddeningly defiant look on his face.

"Why do you care so much? She's just another patient," Tom grew just the slightest bit frustrated.

Bill sighed, also frustrated. No way was he going to explain to Tom that he just felt this connection between him and Aubrey. He had tried to before, saying how they were both in similar situations, but with different outcomes. And then there was her personality, her charm, her beauty, her strength...

Even though he had only just met her, Bill didn't know how to describe the fluttery feeling in his gut. Not even with a song, which was more of his forte.

Bill noticed Tom looking at him, waiting for a response to his previous statement. The marker board was once again snatched up by the mute vocalist:

Please just go check on her Tomi. Please?

Tom caved. Combined with his childish nickname, the pathetic puppy dog look on Bill's delicate face was enough to soften even the rock hard exterior of a professional wrestler.

"I'll be back soon," Tom informed him as he backed out of his brother's room.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ahhh. So many bold quotes!
So many colored dialogue! El oh el :]
Thank you Csimiamigirl73 and xloser-face-lovex for the comments!
<3 It's good to know people are responsive