Please Be Mine


[Lorrie's POV]

"I know, I know. We've been dating for a really long time... we just haven't actually gone on a date yet. I'm nervous." I was saying to Brandy over the phone.

Tonight is mine and Joe's date and I'm really nervous about it. I'm currently trying to get dressed while talking to Brandy on the phone. I was hoping that by calling her, my nerves would settle a little bit. So far, however, she's been no help at all.

"It'll be fine. He's your boyfriend." She said back, for about the tenth time in the past few minutes.

"You keep saying that."

"Because it's the truth. Now, Joe will be there any minute. Hang up the phone and put some clothes on."

"All right. Bye, Brandy."


I heard the line on the opposite end of the phone click, and then go dead. I hung up my own phone and tossed it on the bed. It landed softly on top of a pile of clothes. The reject pile. I've tried on just about everything in my closet, and nothing seems to be working for me.

Joe told me to dress up. Real nice. Problem is, he didn't tell me until this morning I needed to dress up. Honestly, boys have no sense of time. He gave me no time to go shopping and get a new dress. Not only that but, none of the ones I've tried on so far feel right.

I walked over to my closet and peered inside, hoping that the perfect dress will somehow jump out at me.

"LORRIEEE!" I heard from downstairs.

With a sigh, I turned away from my closet and headed downstairs to see why my mother was calling me.

"What do you need, Mom?" I asked as I walked into the living room where she was seated on the couch.

"I bought you something." She said, handing me a large bag from a department store. "It's for your date."

I reached in the bag and felt the soft material of what could have been the most amazing gift ever. I pulled the blue dress free of the bag and held it in front of me.

"Oh, Mom. It's perfect. Thank you so much." I said, giving my mother a quick hug before running upstairs with the dress.

I began shredding my clothes off the second I reached my bedroom and was able to close the door.

I pulled the dress on over my head and walked over to the mirror.
"It really is perfect." I said to my reflection.

The dress was a deep blue. It had spaghetti straps and a V-neck that cut low over my chest to cross at the waist. The skirt fell loose and gentle to my ankles.

There was a soft knock on my door as my Mom walked in.

"You forgot the shoes." she said, holding them up to me.

I gasped.

"Mom, those are the most beautiful shoes I've ever seen."

"Well, it's a beautiful dress and you're a beautiful girl. So, I thought you'd need some beautiful shoes."

I took the sparkling stilettos from her hands and smiled at her.

"Thank you." I said lovingly.

My Mom smiled at me. "You're welcome. Now finish getting dressed. It's almost time for him to be here."

I smiled one more time at her before she left the room.

I sat down on my bed, holding the new shoes and staring at myself in the mirror. After a minute, I heard the doorbell.

The nervousness I felt earlier was nothing compared to what I was feeling now. I took a deep breath and put on the shoes. Just like the dress, they fit perfectly.

I did one last check of my hair and make-up in the mirror before grabbing a jacket and my purse from the chair at my desk.

"Here goes nothing." I said to myself as I left my bedroom.

I stood at the top of the stairs for a minute, trying to catch my breath. This is really happening isn't it?

I began slowly descending the stairs, taking each step carefully so as not to trip. Halfway down the stairs, I glanced up to see my boyfriend staring at me. Joe Jonas was standing at the base of the stairs beside my mother and father. It was a scene straight out of a movie. His eyes were wide and of course, he looked amazing as always.

Joe was wearing a beautiful, most definitely expensive suit. His long hair was styled in its usual way, sweeping across his face.

"You loo-... I... wow." Joe said when I'd reached the bottom of the stairs.

I smiled at him.

"I'm speechless."
♠ ♠ ♠
:) I'm excited for the next chapter. But, of course... if there are no comments on this one.
There won't be a next chapter.

Lorrie's Dress/hair/make-up

Lorrie's shoes