I'll Come Back, When You Call Me

United We Stand

That's Lucy?! Serena thought, her eyes wide as she and the others walked over to where Edmund and Trumpkin stood around Lucy.

"I am the oracle who resides in this cave," Lucy, or rather the oracle continued, the glow from her violet eyes combined with the light from the cave casting an eerie shadow on her face. "When Queen Lucy touched the water from my spring, she allowed me to access her body. I bring grave news this day."

"What have you done to Lucy?" Edmund demanded taking a menacing step toward the oracle from where he stood beside Serena.

"Peace, my young king. I am merely using your sister's body as a vessel in order to convey my message to you," the oracle said, her soft, yet powerful voice sang like a perfectly harmonized choir.

Caspian stepped forward, standing even taller then he already was. "What is your message?" he said, his deep voice ringing with authority.

"Some of you may know better than others," she said, glancing at Caspian before continuing. "But another prophecy has been made. One that will determine the fate of Narnia."

They all stood silent, their mouths ajar. A... prophecy? Serena furrowed her eyebrows.

"What is this prophecy you speak of?" Trufflehunter asked, speaking for the rest of the speechless group.

The oracle closed her eyes and recited the prophecy:

"The mind is the chest, the body is the key
When the chest is unlocked the spirit is set free,
The body and mind may wander as they please
But the spirit has laws that it must appease,
Two spirits of the same body will be
But only if the minds live separetely,
So a body shall follow the spirit as told
Then return to Narnia a Queen of Old."

Caspian's whole body tensed as she recited the verse of the prophecy in his possession. So it is true...

The oracle continued:

"But before the queen comes a spirit divided
Whose future here has been decided,
For one sees to believe and fails to have hope
When believing as seeing is how one must cope,
The believer and a heart so pure shall unite
And journey beyond Narnia to restore the light,
When light overcomes darkness in a test of heart
The magic will return and our heroes depart."

The oracle concluded her speech by opening her violet eyes once again.

"Whoa, long prophecy..." Edmund grumbled earning him an elbow to the ribs, courtesy of Serena.

The oracle's gaze rested on Serena. "You are not Queen Susan, I presume?"

Serena shifted uncomfortably as everyone turned to face her. "No, I'm not," she said softly.

The oracle nodded once. "Then you are the believer, Serena Pendragon."

Serena blinked, shock and confusion clouding over her. "How did you know my--" she cut herself off, deciding that that question was irrelivant. "I'm the what?"

"The believer," the oracle explained. "You are half of the spirit divided. You, Serena Pendragon, are the other half of Susan Pevensie's soul."

Serena stared at her, mesmerized by her words. Susan is the other half of my spirit?

Serena wasn't the only one mesmerized. The rest of the group stared open-mouthed. Millions of different thoughts were flashing through Caspian's head. She's not Susan?, he thought, confused. His brown eyes widened as realization hit him, giving him a sudden urge to kick himself. Then the Queen the prophecy was talking about must have been Lucy...

"Beards and breadsticks..." Trumpkin said randomly, causing Edmund to scoff involentarily as he remembered when he had first heard Trumpkin's odd saying.

The oracle ignored them and continued, "The believer will help decide the fate of Narnia. Follow the wrong path, and Narnia, as well as the Narnians, disappear forever."

There were quiet gasps throughout the chamber.

"Oh..." Serena mumbled as she began to twiddle her thumbs nervously. No pressure there...

Caspian laid a reassuring and on her shoulder earning him a grateful smile in response.

"The trees are slowly receading back into themselves," the oracle spoke once again. "This only occurs when Narnia is going into a period of darkness. When the magic fades, the talking animals will disappear, followed by the centaurs, then the fauns, the minotaurs, until all of Narnia's creatures are extinct. Once Narnia's creatures are extinct, the magic will completely diminish, bringing the end of Narnia as we know it."

"No!" Trufflehunter gasped dramatically.

"How do we stop this from happening, my Lady?" Reepicheep asked stepping forward.

"You, my heroes will journey to the ends of the earth in order--"

"But I thought the earth was round..." Edmund whispered to Serena, who promptly shushed him in response.

"--to restore the light, as the prophecy declared," the oracle continued, unphased. "But be forwarned, your task shall not be simple, there will be many perilous obsticles strewn upon your path, similar to the creatures you faced just yesterday."

Serena blinked. "You know about that?"

The oracle grinned slightly. "I am the oracle, I know anything and everything."

Trumpkin shifted his weight before speaking. "You say there will be more creatures on the way?"

The oracle nodded. "When Narnia's scale tips to the side of darkness, some of its inhabitants begin to shift as well," she said gravely. "The monsters you faced will be the first of many Narnian creatures who have been consumed by evil."

There was a short silence as the information sunk in.

"How will we restore the light?" Caspian's voice shook slightly as he spoke.

The oracle smiled mysteriously. "Pick a star on the dark horizon and follow the light," she said cryptically. "There you will find the Guardians of the Gate."

Trumpkin huffed. "Pick a star? What in the name of Aslan does that mean?"

"Yeah," Edmund pointed out. "There are kind of a lot of stars in the sky."

"That is all you need to know. The fate of Narnia is in your hands," the oracle said as she began to close her eyes.

"Wait!" Serena cried. "What do you mean? How will we find the gate?"

The oracle fully closed her eyes, and no sooner then her eyelids rested on her face, the light in the cave went out.

The group stood silent for a minute or two, letting the oracle's words soak in. The fate of Narnia... is in our hands? Serena repeated slowly, eyes sill wide.

"What happened?" Lucy's voice spoke in the darkness.

"Lucy?" Edmund said. "Is that you?"

"Yes, of course," she responded, a hint of confusion in her voice. "But I feel like I just woke up from a deep sleep..."

Serena looked at Lucy. "But you just did wake up."

Lucy cocked her head to the side, finally noticing that everyone had formed a semi circle infront of her. "What do you mean?" She questioned. "Why are you all standing around me like this?"

The rest of the group glanced around at eachother, before Caspian turned back to Lucy. "We will discuss this further on the way back to the castle."


"So, we're to embark on this quest to save Narnia?" Lucy confirmed as the group made their way back up to the palace.

"Long story short, yes," Edmund said with a nod.

"But where is Aslan? Shouldn't he be helping?" Lucy continued, looking at the ground. Suddenly she gasped and her hands flew to her mouth. "If Narnia's magic is disappearing, does that mean that Aslan will too?" She looked around at everyone frantically, trying to find an answer on someone's face.

Trufflehunter cleared his throat quietly. "I'm sure Aslan will be fine, Lucy. But if Narnia goes, Aslan might as well..." He said softly.

"Then what are we waiting for?!" She practically screamed, quickening her pace. "If it's up to us to save Narnia, then we have to go!"

"It may not be that easy Lucy," Trumpkin replied. "We've got to travel to the end of the earth, and last time I checked, that was a pretty difficult place to reach."

"But we've got to at least try!" Serena piped up, stopping in her tracks. "You heard the oracle, the fate of Narnia is in our hands. We're the only ones who can do anything to help. We can't just do nothing!" Her sea-green eyes were hard, her determination set.

Lucy smiled triumphantly and stood beside Serena. For once, at least someone agrees with me, she thought as she studied the group's reaction.

By then, Edmund, Caspian, Trumpkin, Trufflehunter and Reepicheep had stopped walking as well, and the now stood across from Lucy and Serena, almost as if an invisible line had divided them into teams. None of them seemed as shocked from Serena's outburst as Caspian, who's eyebrows were raised as high as they could go, his mouth hanging open.

Reepicheep drew his sword and strolled over the invisible line to Serena and Lucy. "I think you know where I stand," he said, looking up at the two girls. "I offer you my life, unreservadly." He held out his tiny sword before bowing to them.

Serena and Lucy giggled, before turning to the rest of the group, their gazes willing them to join in. Caspian looked at his three friends. It had to have been one of the most peculiar sights he had ever seen. Two young girls and a mouse, ready and willing to lay their lives on the line in order to save Narnia. Even Serena, who had arrived in Narnia less then 24 hours ago, was about to journey afar to save a country to which she didn't even belong.

Edmund was the first to cave.

"Well we can't just let them go alone," Edmund said shrugging his shoulders as he too walked over to them, earning himself a scoff from Caspian that oddly resembled the word 'pansy'. "They're girls!" He added defensively.

Serena raised an eyesbrow and scoffed, while Lucy giggled. "Thanks Ed," she said half sarcastically as he grinned and stood beside her.

Caspian cleared his throat. "If what the oracle said is true, and Serena will help decide the fate of Narnia," he said as he advanced to toward the four of them. "Then I will follow her decisions." He finished strongly as he stopped beside Serena. She smiled up at him gratefully, which he returned.

They all looked over at Trumpkin and Trufflehunter, who exchanged glances before Trumpkin sighed and walked over to them, Trufflehunter waddling behind him.

"Well if you lot are all going, I'm not about to be left behind," Trumpkin grumbled to the ground as he continued past them and toward the castle.

Lucy beamed and ran to catch up with Trumpkin, who was power walking back up the hill.

"I guess it's unanimous," Trufflehunter said as he joined the group.

"Then it's settled," Serena said with a smile as they started after Lucy and Trumpkin. We're going to save Narnia, she thought. We have to!


The seven of them walked through the large double doors of the castle and into the main foyer.

Caspian stopped infront of the group and turned to face them, beginning their mission debriefing. "Trufflehunter, Reepicheep and Trumpkin, go gather crew members and equipment for the journey," he said, his kingly authority showing naturally in his voice.

"Right away, your majesty," Trufflehunter said before waddling off, Reepicheep and Trumpkin at his heels.

"You three," Caspian continued, addressing Edmund, Lucy and Serena. "Come with me." With that he turned on his heel and began walking through the large foyer.

Lucy, Serena and Edmund looked at eachother before shrugging and following after Caspian.

The four of them walked through the foyer and down a narrow hallway. Serena, being the only one that hadn't been there before, glanced around at her surroundings. Rich tapestries hung on the walls and a suit of armour stood beside one of the doorways.

"Where are we going?" Serena whispered to Lucy.

"I don't know," she responded with a shrug of her shoulders.

Caspian led them to the end of the hallway, stopping infront of an elegant set of double doors. He placed both his hands on the gold door knobs and pushed forward. They doors swung open easily revealing a bright room comtaining statues of various Narnias, including a stone carving of the great lion himself. Infront of Aslan sat a large silver chest.

While Edmund, Serena and Lucy stood gaping at the majestic room, Caspian strolled over to the chest and opened the lid with a low creak. From the depths of the casket, he produced a red belt with gold buckles. On it hung a dagger with a golden head of a lion on the hilt, as well as a small bottle of red liquid.

Lucy gasped and smiled as Caspian handed the belt to her.

"I can't belive you still have it!" She squealed gleefully, as if reunited with an old friend, as she strapped the belt around her waist.

Caspian smiled, making his way back to the chest. "It has been here since you left, awaiting your return," he said, returning to the group, this time with a sword and a silver sheild with a red lion painted on it in his hands. He passed the weapons to Edmund who nodded his thanks and fastened the silver sheild to his back, the sword to the belt around his waist.

Caspian walked silently back over to the chest and pulled out a bow and a quiver full of arrows. He strolled slowly back to them and stopped infront of Serena. She looked up at him, puzzled.

"This," he said softly. "Is Queen Susan's bow," he held it out to her as she continued to stare up at him. "I think that you should hold onto it." He placed the bow gently in her hands, studying her reaction.

Serena looked down at the weapon in her hands. She ran her fingers through the soft red feathers at the end of the arrows, which were secured by gold thread. The wooden bow fit perfectly in the palm of her hand, as if it were made for her. The ends were made of the same pearly white material as the quiver and were attatched by a long, gold and brown string. She examined the quiver, which appeared to be made of ivory although it weighed next to nothing in her hands. Her fingers caressed the carvings in the quiver, lingering on the letters SP which were engraved on the side. Serena's sea-green eyes widened as she traced the silver letters. These are my initials, Serena Pendragon, she thought before something else dawned on her. And Susan Pevensie.

Edmund cleared his throat loudly, causing Serena to jump about a foot and a half in the air. She snapped her head up and looked around, noticing that everyone was staring at her. Serena flushed slightly as she looked back at Caspian, who still stood infront of her, a curious and slightly amused expression on his face.

"Thanks," she mumbled with a small smile before placing the bow into its sling and hoisting the quiver onto her back.

"Are we ready yet?" Edmund asked impatiently.

"Almost," Caspian replied, walking to the chest once more. He withdrew a long silver and gold sword, which resembled Lucy's dagger with the lion's head on the hilt, as well as an ivory horn.

"You still have Peter's sword," Lucy observed, her hand fiddling with the cordial on her belt. "And Susan's horn."

Caspian grinned. "Of course," he said as he secured the horn and the sword to his leather belt.

He close the chest with another soft creak before turning back to his friends.

Less than one day back in Narnia had converted Edmund. He stood taller, the warrior in him now showing clearly. Overnight, he had transformed from Edmund Pevensie, to King Edmund the Just.

Lucy no longer looked like the timid little girl that had arrived in Narnia the day before. Her gaze had become more intense, her courageous side resurfacing, and she now resembled the Valiant queen who had stood at Aslan's side before an army of Telmarnies a year prior.

Lastly, Serena looked like Susan physically especially with Susan's bow in hand, but other then that, Caspian could see no further resemblance. She stood tall, her head held high, the blazing look in her eyes telling him that she was ready for whatever this strange new world threw at her. Susan had always had a disdainful look about her, as well as a close-minded outlook on life, which clouded over her beautiful features. Whereas Serena seemed optimistic and free-spirited, which made her whole body glow with radiance.

Caspian's brown eyes hardened, his expression becoming serious.

"Now we are ready," he said solemnly.


The bright sun was high in the sky by the time they were ready to leave. Reepicheep, Trufflehunter and Trumpkin ran about the ship, shouting orders and preparations for the journey to the crew, while Edmund, Lucy, Serena and Caspian stood at the docks, the crystal blue water sparkling in the sunlight as Dr. Cornelius said goodbye to the group.

"Thank you so much for everything," Lucy gushed, a big smile plastered on her face.

"Yes," Serena agreed, gripping the strap of her quiver tightly. "It was nice meeting you." She awkwardly extended her hand to the old man.

"Likewise, my Lady," Dr. Cornelius replied taking Serena's hand in both of his. His expression grew serious. "Be careful. All of you," he said looking around at Caspian, Edmund and Lucy.

Serena smiled slightly. "We will, don't worry," she said reassuringly, trying to ignore the visious butterflies in her stomach.

Dr. Cornelius nodded. "Good luck," he released Serena's hand.

"Thanks," Lucy and Serena said smiling, before turning around and boarding the large ship.

"I must speak with you two before you leave," the professor said, addressig Edmund and Caspian.

"Alright," Edmund replied curtly while Caspian furrowed his dark eyebrows.

"What is it, professor?" he asked, looking at the old man curiously.

Dr. Cornelius lowered his voice slightly. "You are aware of who will save Narnia, as said in the prophecy?"

Edmund tilted his head to the side and creased his brow. "You know about the prophecy?"

Dr. Cornelius shook his head rapidly. "That's not important right now, do you or do you not know who will save Narnia?"

"Yes," Edmund replied. "The oracle said that Serena is the 'believer', and that she and a pure heart will decide the fate of Narnia."

The professor's expression grew graver with each passing second. "Yes, Serena is the believer..." he trailed off, staring at the ground.

"And?" Caspian urged after a few seconds of silence.

Dr. Cornelius looked up, an unreadably expression in his pale blue eyes. "And Queen Lucy is the pure hearted being."

Edmund's jaw dropped, while Caspian just gaped.

"Lucy?" Edmund yelled in disbelief before Caspian cut in.

"You mean Serena and Lucy will determine the fate of Narnia?!"

"Correct." Dr. Cornelius stood a little straighter and looked Edmund and Caspian in the eyes. "Protect them with you lives," he said solemly. "They are the only ones who can save Narnia, if anything happens to them, Narnia will fall."

The two young kings looked at eachother before gazing off at the ship, where Lucy and Serena stood making faces at one another and laughing like little kids. Those two girls held Narnia's future in the palm of their hands.

Caspian and Edmund shifted their gazes back to the professor before nodding seriously.

"You know I will," Edmund declared, resting a hand on the hilt of his sword.

Dr, Cornelius nodded to Edmund before looking t Caspian. "Defend them with your life, my King," he looked right into Caspian's dark eyes. "Protect her," he whispered loud enough for Caspian's ears only.

Protect her....? Caspian's eyes widened slightly at that remark. "I will professor," he said nonetheless.

The old man's expression softened as he relaxed a bit. "Then you best be on your way," he said ushering the two boys over to the ship. "Best of luck to you both." With that, Dr. Cornelius turned around and walked quickly back to the castle.

"But professor...." Caspian started before trailing off, realizing that Dr. Cornelius was long gone. How does he know so much? he thought as he stared after the professor, bewilderment on his face.

"My lord?" Trumpkin said from behind Edmund and Caspian. "We're ready to leave."

"It's about time," Edmund smirked before joining Lucy and Serena on the deck of the ship.

Caspian took a deep breath before he and Trumpkin followed Edmund onto the large ship.

As the ship set sail, Serena and Lucy stood at the front, the salty sea wind blowing through their hair as they gazed off into the clear blue water. Neither of them aware of the adventures that lay ahead of them.

Caspian watched the two girls as they stood peering off into the bright horizon, before being joined by Edmund and Reepicheep.

"Edmund told us what Dr. Cornelius said," Trumpkin said calmly from beside Caspian.

Trufflehunter shuffled over to Caspian's other side. "Do you really think that those two girls will be able to lead Narnia from the darkness?" He asked hopefully.

Caspian looked back over at Serena and Lucy, both with determined expressions on their faces as they gazed off into space. He could scarcely imagine what thoughts might be running though their heads at that very moment.

Caspian smiled as he continued to gaze at the two girls. "I have no doubt about it."

It was at that moment that their adventure began.

It was at that moment that the seven unlikely friends were united, led by two young girls who's intertwined destinies would determine Narnia's very existence.

It at that moment, that the notorious ship know as the Dawn Treader began its voyage to the ends of the earth.
♠ ♠ ♠
Oh. Yeah. =D
It's really starting to roll now!! lol XD
Tell me what you think!!
