Lead You On

Don't Touch Me

I jumped up as the credits came on the screen and stretched, clawing the air above my head.

"That was the dumbest ending ever." Kevin said emotionlessly, and I grinned as Frankie started spluttering.

"It was not! It was a good ending and a good movie!"

"Aww, you just liked Anna Sophia-Robb." Joe teased and I grabbed Frankie's hand defensively.

"No, he didn't. He-likes-me." I gritted out, trying to stop myself from grinning while looking outraged that Frankie could look at another girl.

"Yeah," Frankie took in a deep breath and tried to look guilty. "About that... Babe, it's over."

I gasped and put my hand over my heart, stumbling backwards into the aisle. "No, no, give me another chance!"

Frankie gave me a teasing grin and led the way to the doorm while Kevin made his way next to me, "Tell me you hated that movie. Don't leave me thinking I'm the only sane one around here."

I smiled and shook my head, "It was okay. It should have been rated like PG-13 or something so it could have been less kid-ish, but it's meant for kids so you can't complain. What's a loser 21 year old like you doing watching this stuff anyway?"

"Hey! You were there when mom said we had to watch this if Frankie came!"

"She's got a point," Joe jumped up on my other side, "You watched a baby movie!"

"Joe, don't get me started on you. You probably want to buy the movie on DVD as soon as it comes out." I teased, looking sideways at him.

His eyes met mine, "That's not true, I can wait for it. Like a couple days." I swallowed and opened the movie theater door, blinking in the bright lights.

"What time is it?" Nick looked at his watch and turned it so I could see it. It was almost midnight and I yawned and pulled out my phone, "One second, I'll see if my dad is home yet."

I punched in his number and waited, but before one ring even happened the phone went to his voicemail. All the brothers were still watching, so I discreetly pushed end and pretended like he had picked up.

"Hi dad... Are you and Charlotte back yet? Oh, yeah?" I thought quickly of an excuse, "Alright. Yeah, sure I can wait at home-"

"You can come to out house!" Kevin offered, "It isn't safe for you to be home alone at night anyway. You can go home in the morning. I'll talk to your dad if you want-"

"No!" This time I cut him off and he looked surprised, his hand fell midway to my phone, "That's alright I'lll tell him."

"Hey dad - oh you heard Kevin. Oh sure, it's fine with me... okay, see you in the morning. Bye." I pretended to hand up and smiled at the boys, "It's cool with my dad. I don't want to cause any trouble though."

"Are you kidding? Mom loves you." Nick said, gesturing us to walk out the door.

I shrugged and bit my lip, noticing Joe's uneasy glances at me throughout my whole fake conversation. Now he made his way next to me, whispering so quietly I could barely hear him, "I saw it."

I licked my lips and looked up a little, acknowledging his presence, "What?" I said just as quietly.

"You weren't talking to your dad. You were on the homepage of your phone."

I look nervously as Kevin and Nick beside us and Frankie swinging his arms ahead. "Joe... shutup." I said as an instinct, shoving my hand in my pockets and hunching my shoulders.

"Not until you tell me what's going on."

"Nothing." I hiss angrily. He looks down thoughtfully, then passes it off as a flip of his hair. I scowl and try to listen to Kevin and Nick's conversation, but Joe notices.

He gestures to Nick and Kevin discreetly. "If you don't tell me I'll tell them." He got me. I scowl deeper, looking down till my hair shadows my face, thinking.

"His phone was off. I didn't want to leave you guys hanging." I said quickly, turning to look at him.

His face was sceptical. "You didn't leave a message."

"I did before. I said that I might stay over if it got to late. It's 10 to midnight."

"You're lying to me about something." He said, and I curled my hands into fists, angry that he could tell.

"Prove it." I hissed, pushing my hair behind my ear.

"Rio, Rio," Kevin called, pulling me closer to him, "You agree with me right? Milk is better than OJ."

"Not a chance," Nick grins, grabbing my hand and yanking me over. As his hand wraps around my waist I shudder as his thumb brushes part of my stomach that got exposed. Nick's body tenses for a moment, then he pulled me seemingly closer, brushing his thumb over my stomach again. "Rio is a orange juice supporter through and through."

I nodded to Kevin shakily, attempting to pull my shirt down without him noticing, "Sorry, Kevin. Orange juice is the shit."

"Glad you agree." Nick whispers, and I try not to trip as his thumb plays with the waistband of my jeans.

I find Joe's eyes and they're burning at us, and I swallow just seeing him, and swallow again as Nick sighs deeply.

This night was going to be crazy.
♠ ♠ ♠
And I promise the night will be. Watch out for the next chapter, where Rio spends a night at the Jonas household.


