Lead You On

Wouldn't? Couldn't!

"Go to bed, Frankie." Kevin repeated himself for what seemed like the millionth time. The smaller boy's frame didn't move from where he was sprawled in front of the television.

We had all gotten home a half hour ago, and Frankie was too excited to listen to anybody.

Note to self: Watch early movies when Frankie's around.

Finally I sighed and got up, grabbing Frankie's legs and pulling him to the stairs. He was too busy struggling to figure that I had dragged him up the stairs (without hurting him, mind you, which was pretty hard) and into his and Nick's room.

As I pulled him up from the floor he glared at me, then easily kicked off his shoes and jumped onto his bed.

That was easier than I thought it'd be.

"How did you do that?" I turned toward Nick who was standing in the doorway and shrugged.

"I dunno. I put him to bed?" I offered. He laughed.

I pursed my lips and brushed past him into the hallway, jumping as a door ahead opened and Denise's head popped out.

"Oh, good you put Frankie to bed, Rio - how about you sleep in Joe's room with him? He's got a bunk bed,you'll take the top I'll go get some fresh sheets."

I offered a unnecessary nod - she was already down the hall - and jumped down the stairs, ignoring Nick's tensed body.

"Kevin?" I called quietly.

"Kitchen!" I pushed open the kitchen door and found Kevin and Joe. Kevin was pouring milk into a bowl of cereal and Joe's head was in the freezer.

"It's so cold..." was all I could make out from his muffled speech.

"Hey. You're sleeping with Joe, right?"

I blushed at his choice of words and his head tilted, "Yeah. Your mom's getting sheets to put on it."

"Oh, she'll have gotten the sheets by now - and put them on the bed, and pillowcases as well, and be halfway to sleep already. She's super mom." Joe said in a matter-of-fact manner, pulling his head out from the freezer.

I grinned involuntarily at his tousled hair and flushed cheeks. His smile widened and he let the freezer door close, "I'm going up. Come up soon."

I felt myself blush again and fanned my face to pretend I thought it was hot too. "No problem."

As soon as Joe left the silence was back. The one where you know the other person's gears are working to figure out something you don't want them to know.

"Rio... do you-"

"Sorry, really tired gotta hit the hay - bye!" I rushed out of the room and began skipping up the steps two at a time.

He was thisclose to asking... things he couldn't ask. I mean - only because I didn't know how to answer. Did I like Joe? Did I like Nick?

Joe's room was obvious, he had found time to stick a piece of paper on the wall with a arrow pointing to his door. If that wasn't obvious enough, Joe's Room was printed above the arrow in big letters. And if that wasn't enough underneath the arrow he had written Rio go here! in smaller (but still pretty big) letters.

Strangely enough, Joe's room was dark. There was no way he had already gone to sleep, so I had to assume that he was here... and hiding.

"Joe?" I let my hand wander on the wall next to the door. I found a switch and smiled in triumph as I flipped it on - and sighed as the ceiling fan whirred to life.

Letting my hand flap in front of me, I took a step into the room, and then another one, wishing it wasn't such a big room and that the curtains were open.

What happened next was like a bad horror movie.

The door banged closed behind me, and letting loose of my calm, cool nature (I wish!) I let out a loud, sudden scream. I slapped my hand over my mouth as I felt a hand grab my arm and lead me deeper into the room.

Even without a light I could tell it was Joe. His body was larger than mine and his hands were big and warm.

The light still off, we sat on the bed and it was a moment before, "You're a liar."

My mouth fell open and I straightened my back and crossed my legs, "I most certainly am not!"

A little chuckled from him and I shivered as his hand brushed my face. I shifted uncomfortably as I heard Kevin romp past the door on his way to his room. I brushed Joe's hand off my face and make a quick decision as it dropped to his side and he scooted away a little.

So, Joe... he was cute. And perceptive - which wasn't necessarily a good thing. But he was nice, and a great guy, plus he was funny and I felt something for him for sure.

So without thinking I pulled at his shirt and kissed him.

His lips were soft and I pushed my own against his, grinning as he kissed back immediately. I crawled up to his lap to reach his lips better, pushing his shoulders till he fell back on the bed. His hands grabbed at my hips and I crouched low o his body, meshing our lips together till he pulled back and gasped out.

"Well, you really don't play around." I laughed out loud, stopping when I remembered the time. "That's the most assertive kiss I've ever had." he stopped for a moment, as if assessing me. "Probably the best as well."

I felt myself blushing in the darkness and was glad it was dark. "I don''t usually do that. I just... I had to. You... I kinda like you."

"I kinda like you too." was his cute answer.

I bent down and planted my lips on his again, whispering against them, "So maybe..."

He got the hint I was feeding him. "Maybe we should go out sometime? Tomorrow to lunch?"

I wiggled happily, raising myself so we were in the same position we had been earlier that day except opposite - with him on the bottom.

"I wouldn't say no."


"Couldn't." I grinned at the figure of his face. He relaxed and lifted his neck, brushing our lips together and my fingers squeezed his shoulders at the excitement.

I've got a date with Joe Jonas.
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