Lead You On

You Didn't Tell Me


I opened my eyes and stared at ceiling above me, wondering if the plaster had just said my name.

"Hey." I turned sideways and grinned at Kevin, he held out a phone, "It's your dad."

My smile disappeared, and I huffed as I grabbed that phone from Kevin, saying thanks before gingerly raising the phone to my ear.


"Rio! Where the hell are you?" I frowned, dad never cursed.

"I left you a message - two, actually. You weren't back yet, so the Jonas' invited me over for the night. We watched a movie as well." I managed to say calmly.

He wasn't done yet, "Why didn't you just stay home? Char and I got back, didn't we?"

"Dad - you - you were gone for..." I trailed off, realizing that even though Kevin had left, Joe was still in the bottom bunk. I peered over the edge, Joe's eyes were closed and he was breathing deeply. "You were gone for two days! Do you expect me not to be worried?" I kept my voice low anyway.

Dad didn't bother being quiet. "I told you to stay home!"

"I was under the impression you were going to be back in a few hours, not a day later!"

"Get home this second." a low threat.

I scoffed and rolled my eyes. "Make me." I hung up the phone immediately after, groaning and sliding off the top bunk gracefully.

I glanced over at Joe, who hadn't moved from his last position. I sighed, obviously he really was asleep, and crept out the door.

"Hey!" I jumped and turned to face Frankie, who grinned at me, "Want breakfast? That's where I'm going."

I smiled at the energetic boy and nodded silently.

Following him into the kitchen where Denise was cooking, I gave her a hug, "Goodmorning, Denise. How are you?" I said politely.

She smiled at my attempt the start conversation, "Great, great. Breakfast? Here you go!" she didn't wait for a answer, dumping eggs and pancakes in front of me.

"Thanks this looks amazing." I closed my eyes, remembering my mom making me pancakes.

She was beautiful, and she was so nice...

I cleared my throat and glanced down at the food, picking up a forkful of eggs and shoving them into my mouth angrily. I looked up and managed a tight smile at Frankie.

"Morning..." I watched as Nick wandered into the kitchen.

"Did you check your insulin level?" his mother asked, hustling over to him and placing her hand on his forehead, as if that would tell her.

"Yes mom. I've only been doing that forever."

I tilted my head, "What do you mean?"

Denise froze, looking me over, then turned to Nick, "You haven't told her?"

There was a awkward pause in the room as the three family members looked back and forth at each other and I observed them all.

"I should probably go home. Thanks for letting me stay over." I didn't wait for a response and backed out of the kitchen.

There were muffled words in the kitchen as I forced on my shoes and I opened the door quickly and stepped out, wondering what Nick hadn't told me.

"Hey, wait! Rio!" I stopped and spun around on my heel, looking nervously as Nick tripped while forcing his foot into his shoe, stumbling up to me.

I'll walk you home. I need to tell you something." I scuffed the ground next to me as we walked to the sidewalk and crossed the street.

"Go on." I said finally, urging him.

"Well, see, a few years ago I went to a doctor... and, well, I have diabetes. Type one. It doesn't change much, I just have to be careful about what I eat and check my levels often. I have a omnipod, see?" He lifted up the back of his shirt, and I stared at the little box.

"How come you didn't tell me?"

He didn't seem to know how to answer, and hesitated for a moment, "It's not something I normally let people know. They tend to think I'm fragile and special when... well I'm just like everyone else."

"Don't worry, I won't treat you any different."

He laughed. I smiled.

"So, last night." I tensed, thinking of all the possible things he could say, "How did you sleep with Joe?"

"It was good. We're closer now. A lot closer." I thought of that irony. Nick seemed to know what I meant and dropped the topic.

"Well, thanks. I'll see you around."

"Yeah. Bye Rio." he turned and I sighed at how awkward the goodbye was. We used to be closer, was it just because he told me had diabetes, or because I had slept in Joe's room?

Ugh. Boys.
♠ ♠ ♠
Last chapter got NO comments, so you guys owe me big time.


