Lead You On


I eased the door open, wondering where Dad and Charlotte were. The lights were on, there was mud tracked on the floor and a coat lying forgotten at the base of the stairs. I closed the door behind me, wincing as it clicked loudly.

I heard a murmur, then a louder exclamation, and a thud.

I winced as a feminine shadow stood in the kitchen door.

"Why, welcome to our home."

I felt my eyebrow raise involuntarily and I scoffed quietly, taking a step forward, "I live here too."

"If you keep up this unforgivable behavior you won't for very long." her hand rested on her hip and she leaned on one foot, giving a little smirk.

I frowned, looking past her. "Where's my dad?" I kicked my shoes against the hardwood floors, getting a angry look from her and another smirk as she saw my own frustrated expression.

"He agreed with me fully when I explained how irresponsible it was for you to leave the house. He's upstairs, getting relaxed in a bath. You will go to your room and wait while I join him. We'll come to tell you your punishment later."

I gagged as she spoke - I did not need to hear about their bathing rendezvous. But then I narrowed my eyes at the woman, my punishment? I hadn't actually done anything wrong.

"You do realize I didn't do anything wrong," I tilted my head to the side, wondering if this lady was as crazy as she seemed, "I shouldn't be punished for doing nothing. You left for two days, I'm not authorized to be living alone, so I went to the Jonas' house to spend the night. I called and left a message."

"Oh no, you're in trouble. We told you to stay home, you weren't allowed to leave."

"Two days! Does that seem normal to you? I thought you'd be back in a few hours! You're bloody daft!" I curled my lip and turned, not giving her time to respond, racing up the steps.

I slowed as I reached the bathroom, hearing the jets in the tub running, confirming that Dad really was in there. I considered knocking - if I explained he'd probably come to his senses. I stepped closer to the door, raising my arm to knock. The wood beneath my foot creacked noisily.

"Char?" he called out, sounding tired yet hopeful, "Are you ready to come in? The water's warm. " I gagged, and listened as he kept speaking, "Did Rione come home? Did you tell her how much trouble she's in?"

I swallowed, turning around and walking into my room. He had referred to me using my full name. My nickname was his, if he didn't call me by that - he didn't care. How could he not understand how idiotic he was being? I didn't do anything bad, he was the one who left for a date and came back a day later.

Probably went to Vegas and let his hooker of a wife blow our money on the (always intelligent) investment of prostitution and poker.

Wait - this was totally unreasonable. I didn't have to stay here. I could just leave right now. Hell, I could walk out the front door, although sneaking out the window would be a lot more fun.

I looked around my room, then began shoving things into a backpack. Important clothes, a picture of my old (better) family, phone, and the odd things I couldn't bear to be without.

I stopped, looking outside my window. The sun was shining straight downwards, it was the middle of the day. Sneaking out now wouldn't be nearly as cool now, plus where would I go all day and night?

A loud splash and giggle erupted from the bathroom, followed by a hoarse growl. I internally barfed, thinking of their 'meeting'.

I couldn't stand another second sitting here while they went at it in the room right next to me, acting like they were totally responsible. Like they were in the right.

I grabbed my backpack and slung it over my shoulder, yanking my window open. It groaned and I stopped, listening for a moment, but all I heard was water swishing around. But what did it matter if they heard me leave? They obviously didn't care.

And that bothered me.

I looked down, this room was on the second story, but stepped out onto the roof and loped down to the large branches of the oak tree growing in our backyard, about to fling myself into the branches when I thought about something.

Joe could probably see me from his room. I looked up desperately, and spotted his window. Then I ducked behind the leaves.

Did I want Joe to see me? He'd probably ask questions. I didn't know where I was going - and if I went to him I'd have to explain what happened. I didn't have enough money for a hotel room though, and not nearly enough for a plane ticket to England.

Either way, Nikola didn't need me anymore.

I hopped into the tree, slithered down the branches and jumped down to the ground, looking around and walking easily through the back gate. I looked up and down the street. Waiting...

"Hey! Are you crazy? Stay off your roof! And that tree wasn't so close that you can just get on it, what if you had fallen?" Joe was jogging toward me, clad in gym shorts and a undershirt, his hair mussed and his adorable glasses low on his nose.

I silenced him by launching onto him, attacking his lips with mine and breathing into his ears, "Took you long enough."

"What?" he pried me off him and I pouted.

"I waited eleven point eleventy-two seconds for you to get your lazy arse out of your house and here. I thought that would have been long enough." I grinned at his put-out face.

"Eleventy? That's incorrect." I smiled wider at his attempt to look smart.

I dropped my smile for a moment and looked at him seriously, "Can I hang with you guys a bit? I - uh - can't go home right now."

He looked like he wanted to ask me about it, his eyebrows knitted together and he looked me over in the curious sort of way but I averted my eyes. I laced my fingers with his and looked up sadly.

His expression gave way, "Alright." he whined, snatching his hands back.

I followed him as we headed for his house, skipping alongside him, "So you saw my awesome escape from my house, huh?" he nodded his confirmation. I stopped for a moment, thinking, then raced back to his side, adding nonchalantly, "Don't you think it would have been way cooler during the night-time?"
♠ ♠ ♠
I updated, AGAIN!

I am just too cool.

You know how to reward me?



Yeah, that'd be pretty awesome.
