Lead You On

The Family

I stepped into Kevin's house, then jumped back as some weird kid in a bright red cape flew past me with his bloody underwear on his head.

I'm scared by this freaky family already.

"Go on in!" I was shoved forward by Kevin, and got a good look around at the house. It was... homey, in a kind of dirty way. The things and stains of the floor were rather nasty, and the noise was unbearable.

But I liked it better than my house.

"Joe! Nick, Frankie, mom, dad! I brought our new neighbor over!" I nearly fell over, his voice was so loud.

"Ow. Thank you for making me go deaf." I muttered angrily at him.

"Sorry," Kevin said smiling clumsily while falling over his feet on his way to their living room.

"What?!" I yelled, placing my hand behind my ear and stepping forward dramatically, and he laughed as 5 others came into the room.

Well, one of the sailed in, the others just came.

"This is Rio..." Kevin looked at me, perhaps he wanted my last name.

Hell if I'd give it to him.

"Ahem. Anyway, this is Joe, Nick, Frankie, and my mom Denise, and dad, Kevin." He covered for me quickly. What, was I too rude for you Kevy?

Each of the family members nodded their heads to me, except Denise, who engulfed me in this huge bear hug that would have killed me over time if Kevin hadn't pried me out.

I bet he has a lot of practice.

It was sort of awkward after that.

"So..." I said hesitantly. Denise couldn't lighten the mood, she was going to the grocery store, and Kevin Senior had bloody work to do, so us 5 teens-and that kid-where standing their nervously.

Except Joe, I hadn't the least clue where he had gone, but something told me he'd be swooshing by with some sort of weird rescue scream anytime now.

"Have you ever head of us?"
I looked up. That was the first thing Kevin's brother Nick had said this entire time.

"Am I supposed to have heard of you? Are you like, murderers or something?" I tilted my head to the side seriously doubting these guys were killers. Assassins.

Nick, Joe, and Kevin Jonas, feared assassins.

That sounded pretty cool actually.

Rio Amelia De Silva, assassin.
Ugh. Why didn't I sound like an amazing assassin??

"No. We're just... a-er, a garage band." Nick looked nervously at Kevin, who also looked troubled.
Do they think I've heard of a garage band in California while living in Britain?

"Garage band news in America doesn't usually travel to Britain... Actually, pretty much nothing in America travels to Britain." Did they feel bad. They looked freaked out. they shouldn't, really, I didn't know about the garage band next door to my house till they hosted a live concert outside and set 14 cars and their stage on fire.

"Yahhhh!" I watched curiously as Joe ran into the room and jumped over Frankie, resulting in a confused, terrified little brother, who quickly regained his balance, jumped up, and chased Joe around the living room in circles.

I was bored by now.

"Tata!" I said happily, walking to the front door, pulling it open, then skipping down the steps.
Wait... where the hell was my house?

"Want some help?" I looked backwards, Nick was standing graciously, his hand held out for me, and I raised an eyebrow.

"I didn't fall." He laughed as I crossed my arms.

"I know. You just looked lost."
That was thoughtful.
I don't like thoughtful people.

I looked at him weirdly, just trying to figure him out, till I realized I was staring, and he was smirking, "Could you just give me directions to the big weird Victorian place." I snapped, hopefully he would catch on that I would rather go alone.

"Sorry, in my family we have manners, so I have to drop you home."
Thank you, family.

"I can handle a walk. I'm not totally defenseless." I shot at him.

"Sorry," he said again, "it's my code of honor."

Why does he have to keep talking all polite-like. It was kind of annoying.

"Whatever, let's go." I huffed, and tapped my foot as he disappeared into his house and came back out, tucking his cell phone into his pocket.

"Soo..." I said as a conversation starter.
He didn't respond, just looked away.
I really needed to find out how to get home, and fast.