Lead You On

Invitations 2

I had to grin as I heard Charlotte talking to the boys. Usually it would annoy me, but I smiled as Charlotte's voice drifted to me on the stairs.

"Rio's told me so much about you!" I snorted, that wasn't true! I barely talked to her at all, let alone talk about the boys. "Nice to finally meet you Ben," she pointed at Nick. "Joel," she smiled at Joe, honestly, she was that close! "and David!" I almost fell off the steps. She must have completely made up those names from the stop of her head!

Or maybe I said the wrong names on purpose. Maybe.

But the boys didn't say anything, they just smiled and waved at her as they rushed me out of the house, and once outside I started laughing like crazy. Joe grinned too and Nick managed a soft smile, but Kevin looked agitated.

"That was mean, Rio. Why'd you tell her the wrong names?" I scowled.

"Hey, if she was hanging out with friends she would have locked me in a broom cupboard on the far side of the house. She's never nice, Kev. You've got to learn that you can't be great to people who are mean and don't deserve it."

"Kind of like you, you mean?"

I didn't look up as he spoke, knowing he felt smug, and sneered, "Ooh, God won't be pleased you're putting people down like that, David." I looked up, and Kevin looked frantic for a second, before spotting the amused expression on Joe's face.

And he didn't talk to me for the rest of the day.

Now, about now is when some people start wondering whatever happened to my Nick-obsession-crush-thing, because I've only pointed him out once. This is a story people, am I supposed to say, "Nick opened the car door and it showed his big biceps!" when he opend the car door (and yes, it did show off his big biceps)? Obviously, my liking for the boy has not left, but it hasn't grown either. Confusing.

I had called Nikola to tell her about the family, but she didn't answer her phone, so I had spent an hour talking (and staying silent, totally forgetting I was on the phone) on her cell phone. I had told her about swimming too, and could imagine hor chocked she would be, she hated when she had to swim alone. Though, that was really all I could tell her about.

I let my eyes wander over to Nick, who was leaning on the window, staring at the passing cars with a thoughtful look on his face, like someone had told him his hair is pin straight and green. I sucked in my breath and glanced at Joe, who caught my eyes and winked wolfishly. I smiled back and looked up at the driver's seat, where Kevin sat rigidly. Probably still riled up about me telling Charlotte different names. He was so snobby.

"Come on." Joe grabbed my hand and pullled me into the shop, and I followed them into the booth, sitting next to Joe and across from Nick, who sat next to Kevin. A slightly awkward silence fell over us, as Kevin, who usually made the most conversation, was completely quiet. Joe brushed his leg against mine and held it there. I didn't move either.

"Can I help you?" a middle aged woman with a notepad asked us kindly. The two boys (i refuse to acknowledge Kevin) nodded for me to go, and I scanned the menu and said, "I'll have a tea, thanks."

"No," Nick shook his head determinedly, "you have to eat something,"

I shrugged, "I can't."

"Hpw come?" Joe asked from beside me. I sighed annoyedly.

"Because I'm a vegetarian. Now, really, I'm fine with a tea. What do you guys want?" I looked at my company, but they were all staring at me, looking surprised. "'What?"

"I like meat." Nick finally whispered. His words seemed to snap everybody out of a daze and Joe starting tepping a rhythm on the table while Kevin stared fixedly at the salt shaker.

"You're weird." I shot back. A sense of normality came back over us, I think.. Joe watched grinning, as me and Nick argued over food, Kevin observed wrappers and trash, and I had a reason to stare at Nick.


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I think something's going on with Joe and Rio...

What do you guys think? Should this be a Joe/Rio AND a Nick/Rio story? Comment on my profile, please!
