Lead You On

What Did I Do?

It was raining. Finally. I had been here weeks (alright, one week and a half) and this was the first time it had rained.

So, obviously, to celebrate the newcoming water falling from the sky, I had run out in a tank top and shorts and danced wildly under the pouring sky. Unfortunately, even that got tiring, so I'd settled for roaming the empty streets.

It was strange that, instead of rejoicing that it was finally raining, Californians were seeking cover in their houses. In Britain it rained all the time, we learned to live with it and let it blend into our lives. I had almost started to ignore the rain, it was second nature, like the sun rising. But here it seemed so much more important. You don't know what you got till it's gone.

Truthfully, I was also outside because Charlotte was cleaning. This wasn't normal cleaning, though, This was furious the-floor-insulted-my-mother cleaning. The house would hurt to look at when she was done.

Ow! I looked down and glared at the offending rock causing my toe such pain. Oh-that's right, I'm barefoot as well. Isn't that absolutely spiffing?

"Hey!" I jumped and turned. Sticking his head out of a door was Joe. I flailed my arms wildly.

"Joe! You can't ruin the rain by yelling!"

But he just smirked and yelled, if possible, louder, "You're going to get sick! Come in!"

I shook my head and waved at him, then kept walking, pulling pale blond clumps of hair out of my face, which had stuck there when I had shook my head. A hand grabbed my arm and spun me around. I looked at Joe and smirked. His hair was already soaked and his face and clothes were dripping.

"So you decided to join me?"

He scowled and attempted to pull me into his house, "Rio! We're gonna' get sick!"

I pried his hand off me (which was difficult, actually) and said stubbornly, "I'm not leaving."

Then I blushed. Why? Because when Joe looked at me, his eyes went first to my body, then my face. I had forgotten for a moment I was wet. I didn't think Joe was a pervert!

"I can't go in without you."

I grinned, "So stay! Come on, let's dance!" I grabbed his hands and spun in a circle, lifting my legs and swaying my head enthusiastically. Joe stood stiffly, smiling a little. I stopped when he didn't dance too.

"You're not dancing, you prude." I stated blandly. He laughed.

"You look ridiculous. Here-" he reached out and smoothed a strand of hair off my face. I stiffened slightly at the intimate gesture, and when I blushed he grinned.

And without realizing it I moved my face toward his fingers, the tips just brushing my lips. His smile shrank away though, and his face became frantic, and he backed away a little.

"No, Joe-" but he turned and raced toward his house, his shoes thudding louder against the pavement than the storm. In a swift movement, he ran inside his house and slammed the door.

What the hell did I just do??
♠ ♠ ♠

Okay, you people said you wanted Joe in the triangle too, so he's here, and things are really spicing up.

ANYWAYY, I was listening to 7 Things by Miley Cyrus while writing this. I don't like her much, but the music video is touching, because it shows REAL girls, really saying the truth about how they feel about their (stupid) guy.

The crying was a nice touch too, because you're all said and... stuff.

Oh, bugger, now I hate boys.
