Lead You On

Hate Is A Strong Word

"Touchdown!" I scream, jumping up and running around the Jonas house in celebration. We were watching a football game, and I, having just come to America, was voting for whatever team the others were voting for. I just had no idea which team that was.

"Wrong team! We're losing..." Kevin sighed, pulling his knees up and resting his chin on them. I stopped and plopped back down on the couch next to him and Nick.

"They should stop moving the freaking camera! They're both wearing some red, so it's impossible to tell which team is which!"

Nick chuckled and I smiled a little.

"We're the darker, and the opposing team had black on their uniforms too." Joe pointed out.

"Thanks." I said, looking at him. His eyes met mine and he looked down, frowning. I frowned too and looked back at the commercials flying across the screen.

There's an orchestra in me, playing endlessly, I even hear it now, whoa!

I slipped my hand in my jeans pocket and pulled out my cell phone, and the ringtone quickly stopped as I put it to my ear.



"Nikola!' I jumped up and banged my knee on the coffee table, "Ow!" I shouted grabbing my knee and hopping to the kitchen. I could hear the boys laughing behind me.

"Sorry I haven't called." she said quickly, "I lost my cell for a while, I just got a new one!"

"Oh, it's okay, um, how's you?"

Nikola paused before saying, "Um, okay. Someone moved into your house."

I fell on the ground, then lay down, banging my head roughly on the cold floor, "What?"

"Yeah, a girl, and her mom. The girl's name is Candice, she's from Scotland, you'd really like her!"

"Too bad I'm in America." I scowled, and Nikola was silent.

I didn't mean to sound so unhappy, it wasn't all bad here, just mostly. Though, knowing Kevin, Nick and Joe had helped, I was still a total stranger in the neighborhood. Hell, I was a total stranger in the whole country.

"I listened to your messages," Nikola continued softly, "those boys sound nice."

"That's exactly why I don't like them!" I cut her off, "Nikola, I barely know them! They - they're boys, you know? Who am I supposed to talk to about boy problems? I feel like I can't get to know them at all."

Nikola suddenly shouted, "Coming! Look, give them a chance Rio! I have to go, but don't be so uptight!"

And she hung up.

"I am not uptight."

"Yes, you are." I looked up, Kevin was sitting with his hands on a cup of water. I scowled from my spot on the ground, even though his feet were right next to my face.

"Says the biggest prude I know." he looked amused for a second, and I sneered.

"I'm not really a prude, I just believing in doing the right thing."

I open my mouth and spit, "You know a prude that doesn't do the right thing?"

He was silent. I mentally danced at my conquest, but then he whispered, "You can get to know us."

Damn. He had heard my conversation.

"Listening to people talk on the phone? That's a new low for you, Kevy."

He frowned and squatted next to me, stirring his water with a straw. I grinned as he sighed and kneeled next to me, his face next to mine.

"You say that, but one day karma will get you back."

"But, Kevin, I already moved here. It couldn't get much worse, could it?" I asked innocently, placing my index finger on my chin and tilting my head.

"You try to make people hate you, don't you?" my hand fell back to my side and hung limply, "Well, looks like it worked." He got up, roughly threw his cup in the sink, and strode out of the room angrily.

Hate? I didn't want anyone to hate me!
♠ ♠ ♠
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