Lead You On

Thinking Is Harder Than You Think

Okay, you know what?

If Kevin hates me, I hate him!

Oh yeah, that's right, take that Kevin!

I mean, all I ever said was that I hate America, the weather here, and the friendliness of the people! Nothing personal to him!

I hopped up quickly from the floor and walked out of the kitchen, stuffing my cell phone back into my pocket. I didn't know how exactly I'd show Kevin I hated him, should I glare and sneer, or insult him openly and flip him off? I didn't want my hate to come off as too subtle, but I didn't want Nick or Joe to see and start asking questions. Because Kevin could say, "She's stubborn and annoying and I hate her - blah blah blah!" and then I'd retaliate with, "He's helpful and a good person!"

Do you see my dilemma?

I poked my head into the living room, and only saw Joe with his head falling backwards - was he falling asleep? - and Nick with his eyes glued to the screen. Oh, yay, I get to spend personal time with two boys I possibly maybe could might like.

That wasn't complicated.

But, that means Kevin's too much of a wimp to stay in the room with me. That or his newfound burning hate for me drives him crazy if he's in a room with me. At least I can use this to my advantage.

I entered the room slowly, trying not to distract Nick from the game or Joe from... whatever he was doing, and sat down in between them, and pulled my knees up to my chest and wrapped my arms around them. I didn't really know how to approach the situation of Kevin hating me. I was always a troublemaker, and I never was quite the politest, and I didn't know how to respond to care, but it's not like I never was nice.

He was the one who introduced himself to me, so he's at fault for getting to know me. Maybe he wouldn't have sinned - 'Thou shalt not hate your very nice new neighbor' - if he didn't know me.

But, it's not like I didn't want to knowhim. I mean, honestly, I didn't mind him, he was really nice to me, and with Charlotte (somebody run her over!) in the house now, I didn't get that a whole lot. Plus, if we weren't on bad terms all the time, he might actually be... cool?

Now I was confused.

I sighed deeply, and out of the corner of my eye I could see Joe slowly lift his head to stare at me. Well, this didn't make me more uncomfortable at all. His dark brown eyes, tan skin, straight dark hair... and all of that only made me realize how different we were.

I mean, me with my wavy bleach blond hair and pale skin, and green eyes, I was so much lighter than him. He looked (supposedly) all mysterious and dark, and I was (supposedly) all bouncy and light and happy.

But, I wasn't really happy right now.

"Hey guys," I glowered as Kevin walked into the room, with a different shirt on and keys swinging on his finger, "I'm heading to the drug store, need anything?"

Joe and Nick both shook their heads, and Kevin's gaze lowered to me in the middle, and my glare met his soft eyes, "Alright then."

His eyes flashed, and then he whisked out the door, letting it slam behind him, closing out all the light from the sun outside.

What a dramatic exit.
♠ ♠ ♠
Short, I know, forgive me, I'll make sure the next one is over two pages long!!!
