Can You Stake My Heart?

Can You Hear Me Cry Out To You?


“I’m so gonna kick your ass” Ray grinned, tossing Frank the PS2 control.
“You wish Toro!”
Frank’s eyes were glued to the screen. Mikey was sitting at the table with a packet of skittles and Bob was messing around with his drumsticks and chucking him in the air.
“Bob’s gonna poke his eye out,” I said bluntly. Just as I said it the drumsticks came crashing down on his head. I smirked and went back to my drawing. It didn’t look right. I looked up again and studied every detail of his face carefully. He was so beautiful. I looked back at my drawing. It didn’t look half as good as how he looked in real life. I sighed and scrunched up the sheet of paper and tossed at the bin. It missed. Bob leaned forward to pick it up.
“What the hell? You’re binning this? It’s incredible!”
“What is?” asked Frank, looking away from the screen. Oh shit.
Bob tossed him the paper, which I had torn out of my sketchbook. Frank stared at it blankly for a moment. He looked up at me with his soft hazel eyes. “Gee, you drew this?”
“Yeah,” I mumbled, “I was just bored and you were sitting in front of me so…” I trailed off, hoping he wouldn’t think I was some crazy perve. “This is amazing!” he said, still shocked. “I never knew you drew this good!” I could feel the colour rising in my cheeks. He thought I was a good drawer. He liked it!
“I dunno, I didn’t like it much. You can keep it if you want.” I told him. Frank flashed me his smile and I almost felt my heart jump out of my chest. “Thanks, dude!” he said, folding it up and putting it in his pocket. For a moment we locked eyes and I almost thought I saw something more than just friendship. I was dying to tell him how I felt. I was dying to tell him just how much he meant to me.
“Frankie, I think you should know that you just lost by 200 points,” said Ray happily.
“That’s right Iero, your ass is mine!” Frankie sighed and handed over $10 to Ray.
“Hey, you guys wanna go down to the park?” I asked. I was bored and I needed to pick up some beer on the way. Yeah, I drank. Frank drank too and occasionally Bob and Toro would but never Mikey. He was the youngest and he was a good kid and a pretty good brother.
We ended up walking down to West Hudson Park. It was one of those really grey autumn days and the wind blew back my longish black hair. When we were young we were never allowed to go to the park, cos they were always finding dead bodies. But now I was a messed up 16 year old kid and I could pretty much take care of myself and Mikey (he was 13).
I ran like a little kid up to the swings and let Ray hold my beer. Frank ran behind me and gave me a push. I didn’t go high. “C’mon Frankie you can do better than that!”
Frank stuck his tongue out and gave the swing another shove.
“Push harder! Harder Frankie, push harder!
“I’m pushing Gee!”
“PUSH!” We didn’t even realise what we sounded like until we saw Mikey, ray and Bob rolling around in the grass laughing their head’s off. I looked up at Frankie and we both smiled awkwardly. I reached out and took his hand. It was warm and smooth. “Gerard, I wanna ask you something…”
“GEEEE!!!!!!” You had to be kidding me!
I looked up and saw my girlfriend Heather walking towards us. She was tall and slim with long chocolate brown hair and big blue eyes. She was sweet and she was gorgeous. I hated her guts. I’d tried breaking up with her ages ago but she was just one of those girls who wouldn’t take no for an answer. I just couldn’t end it with her!
“Baby, we were supposed to meet here for our date, did you forget?” she asked in her girly high voice.
I groaned softly and got up from the swing, wiping bits of grass and mud from my jeans.
“No, I didn’t forget. So, do you wanna get going then?” I asked. She nodded and linked her arm through mine and dragged me off.
“I’ll see you guys at later. Ray, make sure Mikey gets home before 5,” I said before leaving.
I looked at Frank. He simply shrugged and walked off leaving me with one last painful glance.