Can You Stake My Heart?

Love Me Like You love the Sun


Were there like no other vampires in New Jersey?? To be honest I was getting bored. There was no one to talk to and while I’d been watching Frank, Mikey and the rest of the guys over the past few weeks I was getting seriously frustrated by the fact that I had to hide from them all the time.

The band had quickly disbanded. No more My Chemical Romance. They decided there was no more lead singer so no more band. Plus I’d founded it. It broke my heart. I went to Franks house more often than mine (meaning my old one). Not because I didn’t care about Mikey and my parents. He was just so beautiful that I’d sit on that tree and watch him. At one point I’d actually climbed through the window into his room and sat in it. I had nicked a picture of him that I’d found lying on the floor. Ray’s ‘fro was poking out of the corner and Bob was stupidly waving his hand in the background. I was pretty sure it was taken on one of those days when we’d go and muck about in the mall.

I had been a vampire for just over two months and there was no improvement in anyone. Frankie hadn’t smiled a real true smile in all the time I’d watched him. Mikey had smiled once or twice and laughed when his new hamster had crawled up his sleeve but then he’d stop and not look at anyone. It was like he thought it was a sin to be happy after I’d ‘died’.


“Frankie!” My mum screamed as my dad lashed out and threw me against the hard floor. My cheek was burning where he hit me. I felt warm tears pouring down my red face.
“Stop it! Stop it, Gerard’s just died he doesn’t need you hurting him like this!” my mom pleaded. My dad glared at her but he never hit her. He loved her.

I ran up to my room before my dad could have another go at me, telling me how he couldn’t believe he’d been stuck with a son like me. I sat at the foot of my bed sniffing until the tears dried up and stopped. I picked up my guitar. It felt unfamiliar seeing as I hadn’t played since the last band practise, which was when Gee was…still alive. It was only a month but it felt like a lifetime.

I played one of the older MCR songs; Skylines and Turnstiles

Hello, Angel
Tell me, where are you?
Tell me where we go from here
This broken city sky

I sighed and placed my guitar on the floor and looked at the dark mirror on the wall. I wanted to smash it, just like I’d smashed the one at school. Until I caught sight of a figure outside my window. I couldn’t see a face but there was definitely someone there, watching me. A guy who was fairly tall. I froze up for a second but kept calm. I picked up my guitar slowly and walked to my bed passing the window but pretending I hadn’t seen anything. The person was still there. I clutched my guitar and swung round whacking them on the head causing them to fall backwards onto the patch of grass outside our house.
I grinned to myself. Son of a bitch had it coming
“Jesus Christ Frank!” the voice snapped. I almost fell myself. I swear that voice belonged to…

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