Can You Stake My Heart?

We’ll Show Them What We All Mean


I was simply centimetres away from his face and I could feel his hot breath against my skin. I had been waiting for this moment for years and it was finally here…
Oh my god you HAD to be kidding me! Why the fuck did the bell have to go at that precise moment!? Frankie smiled at the look of frustration on my face. “Yeah, we’d better go,” he said feebly. I sighed but nodded. If we were late for gym one more time we’d be screwed. “C’mon” he said and we walked as quickly as we could to gym. “Gee…is this what you want?” Frank asked me. I looked at him. “Duh!” I suddenly felt scared. “Why, don’t you?”
“No, that’s not what I meant, of course I wanna be with you! It’s just…we’ll be called gay freaks for the rest of our time at high school. We’ll get pushed around even more than we are now. And you’ve got Heather…”
“Since when do you care about Heather?” I laughed. “No don’t worry Frank, I’ll end it, I promise, I’ll do it tonight. And as for the other stuff, we can get through it. It doesn’t matter what anybody else thinks, not even Mikey or my parents.” Frank flashed me one of his amazing smiles and laced his fingers between mine. In that moment I’d felt the happiest I’d been in years. We entered the gym and found everyone else all ready there. It would have been easier to just bunk off.
“Way! Iero! You’re both late!” snapped the gym teacher. He was the last person to teach gym; he was one of those really fat dudes who always had a big glazed doughnut or a packet of crisps with him. ‘That’s 30 push ups each!” All the other jocks sniggered.
I rolled my eyes and was about to get down but Frank stopped me. “We’re only late by a minute!” he said angrily.
“Don’t talk back to me or I’ll double it!”
“Why do always pick on us? What did we ever do to you?” Frank yelled. Wow. I’d never seen him properly mad before. It was kinda hot…
“Way, you’ve got 30 push ups to do and Iero can come and see me after school.”

It was 4:20. School had finished twenty minutes ago and Frankie still wasn’t out yet and I was waiting by his locker. “C’mon! If we don’t get this bus we’ll be waiting for another half hour!” Mikey whined.
“Fine.” I sighed. Frank knew I had to take Mikey home, so he’d understand. And when I got home I’d break up with Heather. I’d promised my new BOYFRIEND. I wondered if I should tell Mikey. Nah, I’d wait and Frank and me could tell him together. I had a feeling Mikey already knew that I liked Frank but he’d never mention it.
I texted Frank before getting on the bus:

I g2g & take mikey home
I’ll call u 2nite k?
C u 2moz

I quickly added like a 100 kisses when Mikey wasn’t looking. “Hey Gee?” he asked shyly.
“Can we sit at the back? Please?”
“Uh…why?” I asked suspiciously. Mikey went red and pushed his glasses back. “I don’t want her to see me?” he whispered pointing at a girl near the front. “What? Who’s that?” I asked.
“Umm…she’s this girl in my year called Sophia.” HA! He’d never had a girlfriend before, bless him.
“Go talk to her fucktard!” I hissed. He shook his head and stood closer to me. God, for a 13 year old he acted like a baby. She looked over at Mikey and waved. Mikey kinda just hid behind me. “Wave back asshole!” He smiled back at her and waved. Awww, it was pretty cute seeing my little brother having some sort of interaction with a girl.
When we got of it was almost pitch black. “So tomorrow at school are you gonna talk to that girl Sophia?”
“C’mon it’ll be ok!” I said encouragingly. Mikey looked at me through his thickly rimmed glasses. “Gerard, I don’t really think you’re the kind of guy to be giving me relationship advice!” he joked. Yeah, well he had a point. I wasn’t good with girls.
We were almost at home. “Hey, do you mind if I just go back and get a beer? I’ll be back in a few minutes, just tell mom and dad I got myself a magazine or something.”
I turned round after I saw Mikey ring the bell and hurried down the dark alley. I kicked away the empty cans and I scuffed up the dirt with my old trainers and though about Frank. It was quiet and I could see a full moon above. I loved it when it was creepy outside. I wasn’t scared. The endless dark almost felt inviting…