Can You Stake My Heart?

We Are The Very Hurt You Sold


I only noticed him on the way back. I couldn’t see his face but I could see his shadow behind a parked car near a dark dodgy street. I turned away and continued walking but I still felt his eyes boring into mine. I kept walking and was only two blocks home when I realised he was not far behind me. The fucker was following me home! Thank god Mikey wasn’t with me. The figure in black’s pace quickened and so did mine. But I couldn’t take it much longer. He wasn’t a big guy; if I tried I could take him. I still had my beer bottle in my hand too. “What the fuck!? Stop following me” I turned and shouted. I began to run. I could almost see the light in Mikey’s window in the distance.
Suddenly I felt nails dig into the flesh on my shoulder and I landed with a thump as whoever it was pinned me to the ground. The bottle crashed and shards of glass scattered across he pavement. I thrust my fist out and punched the guy in the jaw. I smirked as blood dripped from his mouth and across his jaw line. I though maybe it would scare the guy off. His face was still covered in darkness by his hood but I could see two bright cold eyes. “Get off!” I screamed helplessly. “MIKEY! FRANK! FRANK! HELP ME!” Off all people Frank couldn’t hear me but I couldn’t help crying for him. I so wanted to be with him. To kiss him and feel the soft touch of his skin. The guy just laughed and kept my down on the floor effortlessly. I spat as hard as I could in his face but I didn’t have enough strength to throw him off. Before I knew what was happening I could feel his teeth piercing the flesh of my neck. I screamed bloody murder but no one heard. No one felt this pain. I whimpered helplessly as he pulled back and I could see my own blood around his mouth. But those weren’t teeth…
It took me a second before I realised they were fangs.


“Mikey? Where is your brother, I can’t find him anywhere?”
“I dunno…check his room,” I said staring at my homework blankly. I didn’t know what any of this shit meant! My thoughts drifted of to Sophia. Yeah, she was pretty…maybe Gee was right about asking her out.
“Mikey!” My mom screamed at me from the hall.
“What? I snapped, rubbing my dirty glasses on my Anthrax t-shirt.
“I can’t find Gerard, do you know if he went out?”
I suddenly looked up. “He isn’t back yet?!” I asked. Mom shook her head. “He dropped me off at the door and went to get a bee- I mean magazine.”
“But…that means he’s been gone for around a half hour.” She said worriedly. Oh shit. The store was only 10 minutes away.
“I’ll call his cell and see where he is.” I offered. I dialled his number and waited for him to pick up. No answer. I called again, just incase there was bad connection. I let it ring more a minute then stopped. His phone was on but why wasn’t the dumbshit picking up!
“He’s not picking up his phone, mom.” I said. There was a part of me that was calm. Gerard went out on his own and nothing would happen to him. He was careful. Nothing had happened to him. But there was another part of me that was freaking out. Why the fuck wasn’t he answering his phone???
“I’ll call Linda and see if he went over to see Frank. Will you ring Bob and Ray and see if he went to see them, even though they didn’t live close enough to just walk to.
“Sup Toro.”
“Heeey! Watcha doin?”
“Err…not much. Umm you?”
“I’m eating Cheeeetos. And I just drank a full bottle of mountain dew! And I ate a packet of Skittles. Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!”
“Dude! How hyper are you?” I laughed. “I’m not hyper baby, I’m just happy!!!w00t”
“Ray, I need you to calm down. Is Gerard at you place?”
“Nuhhhh. Why is he at yours?”
“No, I’ll call you back.” I said putting down my phone. Oh shit.
I called Bob too but the conversation was slightly more…relaxed. He wasn’t with Bob either.
Mom came up looking scared. “I called Franks house. He wasn’t there. Linda said she’d call if he came.”
“Mom…what should we do?”
“Me and your dad will go look for him if he’s not back soon. You can stay home for a while can’t you honey?” I nodded. I didn’t care. I just wanted them to find Gee.


“Did Gerard say anything about meeting anyone?” the cop said looking at me carefully. I rubbed my tear stained cheeks. “N-no. He was just going to get…a beer.” I told him truthfully. The officer raised his eyebrows. Mom and dad gasped but didn’t say anything. That wasn’t important right now.
“But he wasn’t into drugs or anything!” I said quickly. “He wasn’t going to meet some druggie or anything!”
“We don’t know what could have happened to him exactly, but it could be possible that he ran away.”
“No!” I snapped.
The policeman glared at me coldly. “And why not? You say he had very few friends and was sometimes severely depressed with a history of self-harm. And it seems he drunk. It looks like another youth has thrown his life away-
“Fuck you!” I screamed. I couldn’t take it anymore. “Michael James Way!” said my mother, who looked shocked.
“Fuck you! Don’t think you can judge my brother! He isn’t like that! He was just getting a damn beer! So what if he doesn’t have lots of friends? He has Toro and Bob and Frankie! And he has me! HE HAS ME!”