A Light in the Dark

Chapter 4

“Jess!” George was the first one to get to me. It seemed that at the cry of my name everyone I had known and apparently couldn’t remember knowing jumped up.

“Hey George!” I smiled as I opened my arms for George to hug me. I hadn’t even seen his face yet, but I could tell the difference between his voice and Fred’s. Then like I had expected, Fred shoved George and picked me up in a hug before George could. I laughed when Fred decided to spin around then drop me to the ground on my feet.

“Now that’s not fair,” George stepped beside Fred and elbowed his side.

“Hey Fred!”

“Hey Jess!” Fred replied as George took his turn to hug me.

When I let go of him, I turned to see who else was there.

In front of me was a long table, and it seemed that most of the seats were taken. Mr. Weasley and Mrs. Weasley were the closest at the moment and they smiled at me as Hermione and Ginny waved at me from beside them. Ron and Harry were grinning ear to ear across from them and next to them was the woman I remembered to be named Tonks, then Lupin and Moody. At the end of the table was the only person I couldn’t remember ever knowing. His hair was dark and rested just above his shoulders, his face was kind of rugged, and he looked kind of dirty. Under all that though, he had nice dark warm eyes and a rather handsome face. I recognized him from somewhere, but I didn’t think it could be possible.

Then I turned my attention to the room I was actually standing in. It appeared to be a rather old kitchen, kind of dirty like the rest of the house. It was large, which was good for all the people it contained.

“Jesse dear,” Mrs. Weasley stepped towards me with open arms. “Why don’t you come sit down and eat, I bet you’re starving!”

“Actually I am,” I laughed and wrapped my right arm around my waist, and as if on cue, my stomach gurgled. So then Fred and George each grabbed an arm and dragged me to sit between them across from their parents. When I sat down I looked passed Fred to my left to wave at Harry and Ron. They both waved and smiled back quickly before turning to their food, not saying a word.

Before I could ask, a plate piled in eggs, bacon and biscuits was placed in front of me and I instantly dug in. Everyone had gone back to conversation with each other and things seemed normal. I still didn’t know where I was, but I honestly didn’t care. After that first bite of eggs, I realized I was starving.

As I ate, I looked up and evaluated the people around me. I wanted to see how everyone had changed since I had last sent them, when my eyes laid on the man sitting at the end of the table. He was looking at me, and even as I had noticed this, he didn’t stop. I looked at my food feeling kind of awkward, but then looked back up to see if he was still watching me. He was, and now his head was tilted in curiosity. My guess was he was just wondering who I was, and I was wondering the same thing about him.

I picked up my fork to take another bite of eggs, but I couldn’t stand the fact of having some stranger just staring at me openly. So I dropped my fork and turned my head sharply towards George so I wasn’t looking at the man.

“Who is that?” I whispered.

“Who is who?” He looked at me with a small smile. I pointed back towards the man at the end of the table.

Him. Who is he?”

George grinned and tried not to laugh.

“Do you not recognize him Jess?” He grabbed my chin and forced my head to turn so I was looking back at the man’s staring dark eyes. They looked kind of like puppy dog eyes. “Look carefully Jess, his face is like everywhere.”

I thought for a moment, and I though I might know who he was, but I couldn’t find any sense of it. Why would he be here?

“Um, I don’t think I got it.” I finally replied.

George let go of my chin so I looked back at him as he sighed. “He’s Sirius.”

“I asked who he was George, not what he was.” I laughed. George gave me a weird “haha” face and shoved me.

“Sirius Black smarty.” Fred said from the side of my cheek and I shoved him off me.

“Nuh uh,” I looked at Fred now, and then I looked at the man. “How?”

“Long story.” George replied.

“Just know he’s on our side.” Fred winked at me before shoving a forkful of eggs in his mouth.

“That’s attractive,” I snorted at Fred and he grinned.

The rest of breakfast was pretty uneventful, except for the moments when I would catch Sirius staring at me. Eventually though he would look away and act like he was talking to Lupin beside him. I desperately wanted to know why Sirius was here, and what here was. My mind began to be swallowed into questions to ask and I didn’t realize what was going on around me as I thought of more and more possible answers to my questions. I had a lot of catching up to do apparently.


I was suddenly snapped from my thoughts as I looked up from my plate of food. Fred and George were standing up staring at me, and Sirius stood between them. He kind of frowned at me and I awkwardly stood up.

“Yeah?” I asked looking at the three men in front of me as I picked up my plate of food. The kitchen was empty now, I apparently didn’t notice everyone get up and leave. Guess this could be a good time for questions.

“How are you feeling?” Sirius spoke, and his voice wasn’t what I had expected. I thought it would be somewhat terrifying, but shockingly, it was rather kind.

“I’m feeling amazing thanks!” I forced a smile to hopefully make him feel like I felt comfortable.

Fred and George smiled.

“But I have a few questions,” I sighed and set my plate back down.

Fred and George frowned.

“Oh?” Sirius kind of smiled and sat down across from where I was sitting. “I have answers.”

I looked at Sirius oddly as he folded his hands in front of his face and rested his chin on them, waiting for my questions. Then I forced my gaze to Fred and George who nodded and sat down as well. Fred took a seat by Sirius and George ran around the table to sit beside me as I sat down. I felt George’s hand brush my leg as he sat and I felt a slight tingle where he had touched me, but I ignored it.

“Okay, first off, where are we?” I poked at the eggs I had leftover with my fork, this was so I wouldn’t have to look Sirius in the eye. The tingle in my leg had yet to cease so I brushed my hand against it hoping it was like an itch.

“This is my house,” Sirius replied. “I inherited it.”

“Okay, and why are we here?”


I looked up. “Protection from what?”

Sirius smiled and his eyes twinkled as they smiled too. “You shouldn’t ask me, I say too much. Fred and George could fill you in later though if you’d like. Do you have anymore questions?”

I thought for a moment, I had millions of questions, but they weren’t questions I could ask Sirius. Then one popped into my head that I thought he could possibly know, or at least someone else in this house could answer.

I then looked Sirius in the eyes and asked, “Where is my mom?”
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