Keeping Face


Ianto was in his shop as always, because he was bored. Gwen was with Ryes, a day of was nice in Torchwood occasionally and it seemed everyone was having one. Jack had hired two new people to take the place of Owen and Tosh. It was a shock for Gwen and him because it was still so soon after their deaths and they had barley had time to really process what had been happening with Tosh and Owen and then they had that call from ex-Prime Minister Harriet Jones. They had heard the voice from the darkness and seen her die. They were faced against it and once again Jack went of to save the world. He met back up with his Doctor and then another Doctor and then the Doctor Donna.

Well they had asked for the whole story.

Well Ianto thought two new people, it was actually only one, and actually it was only one to Gwen. Martha Jones was back; she had left UNIT and had told Jack she would come back. Today she was saying good bye to her fiancé, ex-fiancé, he had been given a job in Australia, to find a cure for cancer, or help develop one. He seemed very passionate about it and had wanted to go. While Martha wouldn’t leave, not now she could help at Torchwood, help the Doctor. The second person they got to take over Tosh’s job was a guy called Mickey. Work for a Torchwood in an alternate universe. He had been at Canary Wharf. The mighty battle with the Doctor and Rose. Ianto remembered him and he remembered what he did. He could help the team greatly. Jack and he had an interesting relationship, full of snide comments and goofing around and also remembering Rose.

But since Jack had come back he hadn’t seemed to process what had been going on, not with Gray, The Doctor any of it.

Jack and Ianto's relationship was confusing because although he loved him, he new it wouldn't last. Jack wasn't like that, he needed diversity, he needed more then what Ianto could give him. And it was better that Ianto new that now. It hurt, and every time he looked at Jack his heart ripped in two. Jack couldn't say hello with out flirting, to say hello was flirting. It was always at the most inappropriate time anyway, but Jack never cared. To him a harmless flirt did nothing but he didn't realize how wrong he was. Ianto wanted the intimacy Jack was refusing. He wasn't what Jack wanted anymore and it was killing him inside.

So anyway Ianto was in his shop with nothing to do, drinking a cup of steaming mocco when a beautiful woman with beach blonde hair stormed in pulling a teenage girl behind her. She had long wavy hair, and Ianto could swear he actually saw a diamond sparkle in her deep blue eyes. She had pouty lips covered in whore red lipstick. She was wearing hipster jeans, 5 inch heals and a tight cut of top. Basic slut. The girl she was pulling had long straight black hair, black dusty eye make up and staring fixatedly with brown/ blue eyes. They had no life in them at all. She was wearing black skinny jeans, black converses and a black strap top. She wore long necklaces with symbols he didn't recognize, alien almost.

"Coffee boy!" barked the woman.


"Where is the man," she gave a short laugh as though to think the person she was talking about was a man at all. "Known as Jack Harkness."

With all the things that he thought she was gonna come with Jack wasn't one of them. He realized that he should have guessed it would have had something to do with Jack but it still came as a shock to him.
He left his face impassive, what ever Jack had done, or not done, he did not want to get involved and it could all be sorted out, out of working hours.

"I have no idea what your on about."

"Don't give me th-" she started, she then broke into a smile "Oh, so you're Jack's new piece on the side, or a front man, tell me does it kill you to know that he will never stay with you? Does it make you burn inside to know that he will never love you? Because the only person Captain Jack cares about is himself."

It took all that Ianto was not to burst into tears. He's not a complete baby but when it comes to Captain Jack he couldn't help himself. It was too much and the fact this strange woman was talking the truth cut to the bone.

"I'm sorry I still have no idea what you're on about."

As if one cue, in a film or something, only leaving space for a small awkward pause, Captain Jack walked in all smug and cocky as though he owned the place, which in all fairness he might as well.

"Hello my lovely Ianto, how are you on this fine September afternoon."

He was not paying attention to where he was going else he would have noticed the two extra woman in the small shop, and the fact that it was actually October.

"Captain Jack Harkness." Said the woman.

Jack looked up and his joyess happy face turned into a look of bitter resentment.

"Well after you left me in the 51st century with nothing much as a call to become a time agent, I found out that I was pregnant with your child. So we have been going through time to find you for the last three years from when she turned thirteen. And now we found you, you can look after the most annoying thing, apart form you, that ever lived. Here."

With that she threw the girl into his arms and he only just caught here with that she pressed a button on her bracelet and then disappeared to what Ianto could only assume to be the 51st century.


The girl shouted making Ianto and Jack look at the scowling teenager.

"I'm hungry."

"Oh, my, God!"

Jack and Ianto were screwed.
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Please say what you think, you're comments are much loved.

sailor emo