Rescue Me.

Jesus likes my Chapstick

[ Eating way too much food]

"Hoo-why dun't vee ho to teh teem-park?" I tried to say through my fries.

"Uh, which one?" Victoria stared.


"You want a hooker?"

"Nuh!" I stared at them angrily.

They howled with laughter. At me. I picked up two fries and shoved them squarely into their noses. They blinked in surprise. That was my cue to howl in laughter at their faces.

It was another few minutes before we got up.

"So, to the sign?" I asked impatiently.



"Wow." Victoria just stared. I tried to run after it, only to fail.

"You dimshit." Victoria, once again, said.

It was all fine and dandy. We rode in a huge bus to the signs. Meh, they were cheap plastic pieces of crap. I still felt that I needed to remember something, and I was getting a severe headache.

"Ach, Schieße." I swore under my breath.

"What?" Jordin gave me a stare.

"I have a huge headache."

"Did you just swear in German?" Victoria stared again.

"Indeed, I am a part German." I wasn't in the mood for this.

So they sent me home. Or, to our hotel. Hell, I would've not passed out and enjoyed myself, but I passed out.
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Sorry, I'll add more to this in a minute, but the internet It'll go down =[