
Mental 1

Bella's POV:

"Bella wake up, you got school!"my Aiden said knocking on my door i looked at the
alarm clock red numbers glow from on the night stand reading 6:08 A.M. i grunted
and rolled over at the thought of my last horrid year of high school but not only
that but that this was my first year back in public school sence mom and dad died
and i was let out of the New Jersy State psychiatric hospital thats when i looked
down at the horrible scares on my arms that only brought back thoes nightmarish
memories so to avoid a total break down this early in the morrning i got up and
grabed the black elbo lenght arm warmers on the night stand puting each 1 on
then grabing my slimfit ax7 deathbat tee black skinny jeans my black with gold
heartagram H.I.M. skatershoes my black and sliver stud belt and black hoodie with
'Skeleton Crew' written on it in gray then went to the bath room took a shower
dried my hair and strightend it then put on my cloths and put in my dubble snake
bite lip rings and my toung ring and walked out in to the living room to see Aiden
sitting there with a of coffee watching the news "ready bells?" she asked me "yea"
"so lets go" she said grabing the keys infront of her on the coffee table and walking
out the door into the blackness of the early morrning i fallowed her locking up
behind us then we got in her red 4 door dodge ram and drove of to school...

Aiden's POV:
I woke up around 5:30 and got in the shower,then i got dressed into my green
3 doors down band tee,black skinny jeans,white knee high converse,and my
emerald sword necklace that my boyfriend Randy gave to me last Christmas. I looked at my
Kasey Kahne clock on the wall,it said it was a little past 6am. "I need to go get Bella
up." i said to myself. I went into Bells room and made my first attempt to get her up,
even though I knew that she knew better than to make me come back twice.I went
and made a pot of coffee."Another day of work" I said after thinking about how I
probably put in my two weeks notice,because i knew i can get a better job,or at
least one
i enjoy. "Come on Bells!" I yelled up the stairs just as she came out of her bedroom
"I'm comin'!" I opened the front door and walked out with Bella in tow. I jumped in the drivers
seat,started the truck while Bells got in,and I started to drive her to school,still
thinking about whether i should quit my job or not...
♠ ♠ ♠
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