
Mental 3

Bella's POV:
so i got back to my locker and grabed my books and went through the rest of my
day walking to the rest of my classes just listening to my iPod barely looking up but
to see where the fuck i was going after stumbling in to a wall about 3 times i didnt
really care though til this time i hit the wall i hit the fucker so hard my ear buds fell
out i grabbed my head in pain and shook it trying to see stright again til i felt a hand
grab mine i looked up blinking a couple time strightening out the little blur left and
saw my sister's hand in mine "need some help?" she said pulling me up "hey
sis thanks but why are you here?" i asked brushing my self off "oh i brought you
some Taco Bell for lunch didnt think would care too much for the shit-on-a-plate
they serve here" "oh thanks but i ment why are'nt you at work" i asked giving her a
hug "oh its nothing i'll tell you when you get home" i didnt quite under stand what
she ment but i shrugged it off "well thanks again for the food but i gotta get to lunch"
b4 i dont have time to eat it " "ok ill see you when you get home ok?" "ok love ya"
i said hugging her "love you to bye" she said hugging back once i saw she was gone
i went to the caff. and saw Natasha and went and sat down next to her she was
with a few friends they where all real nice and we basicly talked about music
and cloths and shit i hadnt touced my food i didnt fell like eating it i knew i should
i hadnt eatten in almost 3 days but i didnt want to i just didnt want it so i ended up
giving it to Josh one of Tasha's friends and just laid my head down til next class i
went through the rest of the day then got on the bus i had the feeling some one
watching me and not like every one else not like they wanted to kill me so i looked
up from under my hoodie in the seats around me but the only ones looking at me
where just talking shit so i laid my head against the window staring out of it
listening to 'Hey Jude by:The Beatles' awaiting my stop...

Aiden's POV
To be honest,I really wasn't surprised that right when I found Bella,she had run into
a wall,especially with her listening to music 24/7,but watever. As I was walking back
out to the truck,I realized that I hadn't asked her if she wanted to go to the party
tonight. "I'll just ask her when I get home." I thought to myself. When I got home it
was about 2,so I just got back on the computer,and checked my email until I heard Bella
walk in the door downstairs."Is that you sis?" I yelled out my open bedroom door.
"Yeah,it's me."She yelled back. I ran downstairs to talk to her,but when i saw her,she
looked like her day had been pretty bad."Wat's wrong sis?""School just sucked as
always.""Oh,I'm sorry,but I bet I know something that will cheer you up.""Wat?"
"Well,Randy called and wants to take us to his friend's party tonight.""Oh...I
really don't feel like going anywhere tonight.""Come on sis,plzzzzzzzzzzz"I tried
to get that look of innocence,you know,the one that little kids give their parents
when they want something,that was the one."Come on sis,don't look at me like that."
"Plzzzzzzzz""Fine,but you're gonna have to drag me there."I knew what that meant
she was going,but she was trying not to be happy about it."Randy will be here at
8,so you need to be ready by then,ok?""Ok,fine,watever.""And,by the way,I quit my
job today.""OMG,you did?!?!?!""Yeah,I got tired of dealing with my boss every damn
day,and plus I KNOW I can do better than that place.""Good for you sis.""Thanks"
The rest of the day was pretty much,same old same old.Bella did her homework
which was surprising,but I figured she was just doing it so she wouldn't draw any
attention to herself in class. I made dinner,which was country fried steak
mashed potatoes and english peas, I was glad that the one thing I learned from
my parents was cooking. Dinner was quiet, we both ate in our rooms so that
we could multi-task with watever we were doing. around 6:30 I went into Bella's
room to get her dishes,and she was getting ready for the party. I went downstairs
and washed the dishes,before going to my room,to get ready too...
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