
Mental 4

Bella's POV:
so i finaly go home and when i walked in the door all i needed was a fucking beer
but was suprised when Aiden came down and told me we where going to a party
with her boyfriend Randy that i really didnt want to go to but she knew it would
most likely cheer me up so i agreed and then she droped the bomb she quit her
job but whatever thats her biz so i just went up stairs out on the roof and smoked a
cig. then came back in and grabed my homework and did that so i wouldnt get in
trouble with my dumb fuck excuses for fucking teachers so i and have to waste my
tuesday with sitting in detention so after i finished i came down and fixed my plate
ate then got ready for the party by refreshing my hair and make up and puting on
my tight tripp nyc layerd black skirt with a shit load of chains my red black and
gray plade corset shirt my black 5inch ribbon ankle heels my black fishnets and
my black biohazerd sign cyber gogles by the time i had a shower and was dressed
and ready it was already 7:47 and Aiden was on the couch with Randy waiting for
me with Eyrn one Aiden's best friends so with out a word we all got up and went
out to the car i sat in the back with Eryn and listened to the music and the three of
them talk not even 1/2 way intereste in me but i knew my sis senced the way i felt
considering she kept looking back at me thur the review mirror every 5 mins til we
got there when we finaly did arive there were like 30 cars there and like 100 people
there drinking and parting like crazy people i felt so out of place i had no clue who
any one there was so i just sulked around fallowing my sister around it was about funny
how much i resembled a stalker...

Aiden's POV
I went up to my room and started getting ready. I decided to wear my white and black
Linkin Park band tee ith white skinny jeans black heels,white pearl necklace,and
a white wool knit beret. Just as I was finishing my makeup, I heard a knock on the
door. I ran downstairs,and answered the door. It was Randy."Hey baby!!!" He gave me
a hug and a kiss,then went to sit on the couch, I looked at the clock, it was getting
close to 8. There was another knock and the door, it was my best friend Eryn.She
came in and we talked for a while. I heard Bella's door open and close,and she came
downstairs. We all piled in to Randy's black Land Rover,and left. The drive wasn't that
long,only about 20 min. I could sense that something was wrong with Bella,so I kept
looking at her in the mirror,tryign to guess what was wrong. We pulled in,and the place
was already out of control."Randy,whose house is this?""It's my friend Blake's house."
Blake...I think I met him once,but I wasn't sure. "Doesn't he play in a band?""Yeah
he does."We all got out and went in the house. The second we walked in,I heard
rock music blasting through an open door leading to the backyard."Nice music,huh Bells?"
"Yeah,it's pretty good I guess." She seemed like she was looking a little releaved that
one good thing had come from her coming out tonight.We walked outside,and Randy
immediately ran up to a member of the band,once the song had ended,and I began
to recognize the singer/bass player as Blake. The band took a break, and Randy came
and re-introduced us. Then I introduced Blake to Bella. "Blake,this is my sister Bella."
"Nice to meet you Bella." She froze for a half-second and said the same to him. Randy
asked me if I wanted anything to drink,I answered yes,and he left. Then, I took one
look at Bella and she was accually SMILING!!! Then I realized why, she was talking to
Blake,they really seemed like they would be perfect for each other.So I quietly slipped
away to find Randy,when I turned,he was already walking back towards me. I met him
halfway and told him about what was going on with Blake and Bella. "Good. Then my
plan is working.""What do you mean?""Well, you have been telling me how sad your
sister has been lately,so when I found out Blake was having a party,I thought it would
be perfect,for the two to meet each other."I was shocked that Randy had come up
with something like this."Awww, that's so sweet of you baby!""I know." Then Randy
struck a 'Captain Morgan' pose, and I laughed so hard I couldn't breathe for a few
seconds. I was so thankful to have a boyfriend like Randy,and I was hoping that tonight
my sister could find someone,Blake,who would care about her just as much.I
kissed Randy after I stopped laughing,and we started talking to some of our friends
that we saw there,while I secretly kept an eye on Bella and Blake...
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