
Mental 5

Bella's POV:
So we got to the party and I was flowing Aiden and Randy around this unknown house
her and Randy walked off to the stage I went to go grab a drink but yet again another
disappointment nothing at all to drink well that my sister wouldn't kill me if she saw me
drinking it so I walked and listened to the kick ass music as I sat down by the stairs
and then it sounded like the set was about over so I was gona ask Aiden if we could
just leave cause I was felling sick or something but I saw she was with Randy and some
really hot guy and when I was like about 2 feet from her she grabs my arm and tells
the guy my name and introduced him as Blake "Nice to meet you Bella.""hi" I say shy
smile as big as New Jersey plastered on my face I almost felt happy and I didn't even
know why my sister walked away to go giggle with Randy leaving me with Blake "so?"
"haha yea so what do ya wanna talk about Bella?" "uhh i dont know i saw you playing
up there you where pretty good" "yea i know" "..but im better!" "oh yea?" "yep lets see
ya" i gave him my legendery sexy and evil smirk i always give when i start to get into
trouble or do something stupid grabed the black les paul guitar and shredded...

Aiden's POV
I was talking to some friends,when the band started to play. Randy tapped me on the
shoulder and when I turned around I saw Bella up on stage rockin' out on the guitar.
"Woo!Go sis!!!" I yelled up to her. She looked at me and smiled.I looked at Randy.
"Looks like your plan worked better than expected,honey.""Yeah,I guess it did."
I stood there,listening to Bella play and it made me think of how things had been before
our parents died in the accident.Bella was always getting in trouble for playing too loud,
but she loved playing,and I think she loved the "getting in trouble" part too. She finished
playing and she walked off-stage and said something to Blake that made him laugh.They
started back in their conversation,and since Randy had gone off to talk with another one
of his friends,I went to go find Eryn. I walked back into the house,she was sitting on the
couch talking to a guy I didn't know.I got another drink and when I came back, the guy
had left,so I sat down next to her."Hey Eryn,who was that guy?""That was Daniel,he's
one of the band members,he's the drummer.""Oh,that's cool."I gave her a look,that she
knew meant that I wanted to know more."Well,we got to talking,and he seems like a
really nice guy...""And?""He asked me out!""Oh my gosh,that's great!Now you can finally
get over your ex!""Yeah,but I'm, not sure if I'm gonna say yes,I just gave him my number
and told him I would call him and give him my answer.""Well,still,thats great!!""Yeah,
it is,isn't it."I saw a big smile come across her face, and we both started laughing.We sat
there and talked for a while about Daniel and Randy,then I told her about what was going
on with Bella,and she thought it was great too."I think I'll go look in on the two."I got up
and walked outside to the place where the stage was,and Blake and Bella,were no where
to be found. Randy saw me and walked over to where I was standing."Hey babe,have you
seen Bella and Blake?""Not for a while,the last time I saw them,they were standing here."
Randy and I started looking around where all the cars where parked.I saw them before
Randy did,"Baby, I think your plan worked a little too well."He turned and saw them
leaning up against a black Corvette,that I assummed to be Blake's, and they were making
out. I turned and quickly walked away, with Randy following right behind me.Once we
got back into the house,we both started laughing."Well, at least my plan worked,it worked
REALLY well.""I looked at the smirk on his face,and I couldn't help but smile.My little
sister was finally getting her life back,and that was definately something to smile about...
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