The Flower That Blooms in the Darkness

And so.

Dei-chan's funeral was a small one. We buried him in the backyard, under one of the ancient cherry blossom trees.

Bahaha. Just kidding.

Dei-chan has recovered, and plans to meet a "smart and beautiful lady just like Natsumi-chan" next time he goes into town. Frankly, I don't even know how to respond to those comments. It's like even though he's accepted the fact that Itachi and I are going to be married, but he still holds on to a small part of me that he fell in love with. I just hope that he keeps whatever feelings he still holds for me in a tightly sealed box in the corners of his heart.

Anyway. Itachi and I have announced it to the rest of household. Everyone seems happy for us; Ko-chan's even helping with the plans. Mamoru-chan seems excited for us as well.

Mamoru-chan speaks a lot more frequently now, and not just to me, either. I'm just glad that he's finally living out the life he deserves.

There have been no more attacks, nor any sign of Sasuke, Naruto, or Orochimaru. (Thank God.)

We did bury Kakashi-chan underneath the cherry blossoms. I hope he's found rest, wherever he is.

Finally, Asaya, Yumi, and I are all at peace. Or as peaceful as it gets with a scheming angel of death around.

Hey! I resent that, you know.

Well, you deserved it! No more chaos for you, missy. I'm settling down now, so that means you have to tone down the evil and madness, okay?


Okay? Hello? HELLO?! Ah, fuck it.

Just another day in the life of Natsumi Kuragari.
♠ ♠ ♠
So I FINALLY got this out! YES! Feedback is welcome, and thanks for sticking with me 'till the end!

Until next time... and there will be a next time... bwahahaha!
