The Flower That Blooms in the Darkness

Who am I to Judge?

I woke gently, from a deep sleep.

I groaned and rolled over. Why couldn't I just stay asleep?

I heard quiet laughter from somewhere.

I sat up quickly and scanned the room, relaxing when I realized that it was only Deidara-chan. He was sitting on his dresser, shirtless and with his hair down.

Damn. Can I get me some of that?

Shut the fuck up! God! You are so annoying!

I smiled at Deidara-chan and yawned. "Man! I slept like a rock!"

Then I realized that I was in his room.

"Oh my God, did I keep you out of your bed?"

He started to say something, but I interrupted.

"Oh, God, I'm so sorry! I forgot to ask Pein-sama where my room was yesterday! God, I'm such an idiot!" I slapped my palm against my forehead.

"It's all right, un; I slept well enough, un." He had a peculiar expression on his face.

A silence lasted for a while until he broke it.

"So I got your room key from Pein-sama, un. And he told me about your mission to meet all the others, un. Who've you met already, un?"

"Well," I started, getting up out of the bed, "I met you, Kisame, Itachi, Konan, Hidan, Sasori, and Pein-sama." I ticked them off my fingers. "So that's seven out of -- "

" -- Nine." Deidara-chan finished for me. "So you still need to meet Zetsu and Kakuzu."

"Okay, well then, let's get started!" I stretched and then remembered Pein-sama's words from yesterday.

"Oh! Wait, Deidara-chan, I need to meditate first!"

"Okay, Natsumi-chan, un! I'll go ahead and get you some breakfast, un!" He tied his hair up and walked out of the door.

I sat cross-legged in the floor and relaxed, letting go of the anger that was welled up inside of me.

And surprisingly, the process only took about five or so minutes.

Just enough time for Deidara-chan to come back with for and us enjoy it.

"This is delicious! Who made it?" I asked Deidara-chan.

"I did." He grinned.

"Oh my God! Deidara-chan is the best cook ever!" I exclaimed and pounced on him.

"Woo! I'm my old hyper self! Sweetness!" I grinned and stood up. "Let's go meet the others now!"

I ran into the family room in record timing, to see a walking plant!

"Holy shit! A walking plant!" I ran and tackled it to the ground.

"What the hell just happened!" A voice said from inside the plant.

"Oh no's! The walking plant ate someone!" I stood up and pulled the plant with me. "Hang on, buddy; I'll save you!" I turned the plant around to see someone inside of it.

"Oh my God! How are you still alive? The walking plant ate you, for God's sake!"

"Natsumi-chan," Deidara-chan spoke through his laughter, "that's Zetsu, un."

"So if the plant is Zetsu, then who is inside the plant?" I questioned, poking 'Zetsu'.

"I am Zetsu. I am the plant." Zetsu spoke.

He was a queer looking guy.

For one, he's inside of a plant. How freakish is that?

And another thing: when he talks, only on half of him talks, either his black side or his white side.

After much apologizing and explaining, Zetsu's white side said that he understood, and would forgive me if it didn't happen again.

"Trust me, it won't!" I said brightly.

"Who is this and how much is she costing us?" A guy with sewn on body parts asked Deidara-chan.

"Hello!" I belted. "I'm Kuragari Natsumi! Nice to meet you, um...what was your name again?" I whispered the last part to him.

"...Kakuzu." He stated, clearly not happy.

"Nice to meet you, Kakuzu-san!" I yelled.

"You don't have to shout; I'm right here!" He shouted back at me.

"Well! Fine then! Be that way, Mr. Jerky Jerk Face!" I stamped my foot and walked off into the hallway.

"Why'd you have to shout at her, un? She was trying to be nice!" I heard Deidara-chan's voice distantly.

I stopped at a room and let myself in. I didn't feel like hearing another fight, much less being a part of one.

I closed the door and rested my back against it, sighing and closing my eyes.

"It's weird how you keep finding me like this." Itachi-kun's voice came from in front of me. My eyes shot open, and sure enough, it was Itachi, sitting on his bed, reading a book.

"Hi Itachi-kun!" I said brightly, all traces of animosity vanished from my face.

"Why're you in here?" He asked curtly, not looking up from his reading.

"Because, I started a fight between Deidara-chan and Kakuzu-san. Kakuzu-san isn't very nice...." I pouted. "and I don't want to be in there right now. I really don't feel like fighting at this moment."

"Why are you so...hyper?" He looked up from his book and stared into my face.

"I meditated!" I said proudly, and began examining Itachi's room.

"I didn't think you liked me all that much in the first place; why are you acting like this now?" He asked suddenly, after a few minutes of silence.

"Well," I sighed and sat on the edge of his bed, "I decided that you must've had your reasons for killing off your entire family. And I have no right to judge...." I whispered the last part mostly to myself.

It was silent again, until Itachi-kun broke the silence once more.

"What's with the cat ears and tail?"

"I have no idea! But apparently, someone has a sense of humor!" I grinned at him. His face remained emotionless.

I pouted. "C'mon, Itachi-san, crack a smile every once in a while! It's totally worth it, I promise!" I held out my pinky, to pinky promise.

He stared at it for a while, then extended his pinky finger. I locked it in mine and shook it up and down.

"Now, let me see you smile! C'mon, Itachi-chan!"

He smiled the slightest bit.

It made him look even more gorgeous. And I didn't think it was possible.

I smiled back, dazed. "See? It's great! Now, I need to find Deidara-chan to get to my room. See Ya around, 'kay, Itachi-chan?"

He nodded, the smile gone from his face.

We would have to work on this later.
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Hope you guys like it! It took for-freaking-ever to type up!

But it was so worth it!

I hope you guys enjoyed the sparks!