Sky Blue Eyes

Chapter 5

“Star!” I yelled, and gave Joe a frustrated look.
“Sorry,” he mumbled, I rolled my eyes and ran after my sister. As much as Star got on my nerves, I still care about her. And even though I realized that I do like Joe, I know that she likes him too, and he hurt her.
I found her in the dressing room, eating the candy that was on the coffee table.
“Hey,” she said when she saw me.
“Hey,” I said and sat down next to her. “Want to talk about it?”
“I just… I don’t know, he obviously doesn’t like me, but it almost seems as if he likes you,” she sniffled.
“Just give it some time; we’ve only been on tour for like, a week. He doesn’t even know you yet.” She looked up at me and laughed.
“You’re right, it has only been a week. I guess I overreacted. He’ll come to his senses soon. Thanks, Sky.”
“No problem. Now we should probably go find the guys,” I said and searched the studio for them.
“You guys go ahead, I’ll meet you in the limo, I have to fix my makeup, my mascara must be running down my cheeks,” she said. I laughed and nodded, she had black streaks going down her face.
“Okay, we’ll wait for you,” I told her and ran to go find everyone.


Joe’s POV

“Way to upset the pop star, Joe,” Nick said as we were walking to the limo.
“I didn’t mean to! But I didn’t want her getting any ideas,” I defended himself.
“Now she’s going to hate you for the rest of the tour, you realize that right?” Kevin asked.
“Not necessarily, I could apologize…”
“Yes, but she’ll still hate you,” Nick said.
“So supportive, Nick,” I said rolling his eyes.
“He’s right though, Joe, and Sky’s probably mad at you, too,” Kevin added, making things even worse. Sky. She probably was mad at me. Sister’s are always protective over each other like that.
“Speaking of which, here she comes,” Nick mumbled. I turned around and saw Sky running to catch up with us, with great difficulty from the high heels she was wearing.
“God, I hate high heels, they’re so annoying,” she complained when she finally caught up. She stopped and took them off, so she was now walking bare foot on the hard, hot pavement. I chuckled at her, and she slapped me on the arm.
“You deserved that,” she said, with a smug smile on her face.
“Where’s Star?” Nick asked.
“She’s coming. I told her we’ll wait for her in the limo,” she answered. “She’s a little… upset.”
“I really am sorry,” I added. She looked at me with a cautious face.
“It’s okay,” she said, then smiled, “just don’t do it again.” I rolled my eyes and smiled back at her. I was falling for her. hard.
We got to the limo, and I quickly opened the door for Sky, whose feet were burning from walking on the scorching pavement.
“So much better!” she sighed and collapsed on the seat.
“Good. Now move over, we all need to fit,” I said, pushing her to the one side. She groaned.
“I don’t want to move. I’m tired,” she whined.
“Oh well, now move,” I said, still smiling. She rolled her eyes and moved over, giving the rest of us room.
“Now we wait for Star?” Kevin asked.
So we waited ten minutes, and then Sky’s phone started to ring.
“It’s Star. Hello?” she answered. Everyone turned to watch her talk. As Star was talking, Sky’s jaw begin to drop. “What?! Hold on, what did he say? Okay, well, we’re in the limo, we’ll talk when you get here. Bye.” We all looked at her expectantly.
“What did she say?” Kevin asked.
“My dad called, which is really weird. He never calls…” She trailed off into her thoughts. I wasn’t really sure what to say to that, they never talked about their family.
Finally Star arrived at the limo… five minutes later.
“Sorry about that, guys. My dad called so I had to talk to him,” she explained.
“It’s fine. We don’t have anything else to do today, anyway,” Joe said, then took a deep breath, “and I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it in a bad way.” Star looked at him, and managed a weak smile.
“It’s okay. No big deal.”
As soon as we got back to the bus, Star immediately pulled Sky aside. They were in a deep conversation, and neither of them looked happy.

Sky’s POV

“He said that he wants to talk to both us,” Star said, probably just as confused as I was.
“I wonder what all this is about,” I said, confused.
“There’s only one way to find out. Call him back.” I sighed, I hated talking to my parents, they didn’t care about us. All they cared about was Star’s money.
Star pulled out her phone and put it on speaker. It rang once, twice, and on the third time he picked up.
“Hi daddy, it’s me and Sky,” Star said.
“Oh, hello darlings, how are you?” he asked, not really interested.
“We’re great, the tour is wonderful so far. But, what’s up? What did you want to talk to us about?”
“Well girls, your mother and I have something to tell you. We’re getting a divorce, and I’m coming back to the States next month so I can spend more time with you!” Star and I looked at each other, neither of us saying anything.
“Oh, well, that’s great that you’re coming back, but… what happened?” Star asked, her voice shaking. It really wasn’t that big of a shock, they never really got along. When we were little, we used to sit on the stairs and listen to their arguments or fights. When they left for Europe, we hoped that it would be a good thing, but I guess we were wrong.
“Things just didn’t really work out, your mother is busy with her job, and we are just trying to do what is best for you two. You need a parent in your life. So I’ll be back in September, kay?”
“umm… okay, well, we should go. I love you!” Star said.
“Love you too, girls. Bye.”
“Bye,” we both said. I walked over to the bus and banged my head on the side of it.
“Sky? What are you doing?” I turned around to see Joe standing there, staring at me.
“Oh, umm… I was just, umm,” I stumbled over my words, not exactly sure how to explain.
“We just called our dad back. Our parents are getting a divorce and he’s coming back to the U.S. next month,” Star explained for me.
“What she said,” I added.
“That’s horrible. I’m so sorry, you guys.”
“It’s okay, no biggy, we knew it was coming,” I said.
“Still. We should go do something tonight to cheer you guys up.”
“What do you suggest?” Star asked.
“Hmm… what about…. Chuckie Cheeses?”
♠ ♠ ♠

and sorry for the long update!

PS the chuckie cheese thing... my friend made me do it!! so she gets credit for that...